The Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Grant Abstract: 7th International Conference on Retinoids

Grant Number: 1R13DK139729-01
PI Name: Nagy
Project Title: 7th International Conference on Retinoids

Abstract: The Seventh International Conference on Retinoids FASEB SRC is scheduled for July 7-11, 2024, at the Riverfront Intercontinental in St. Paul, MN. With origins dating back to 1982, this unique conference convenes researchers to explore both basic and translational aspects of retinoid biology. The conference provides a platform to disseminate the latest developments in well-established retinoid research areas such as immunity, development, metabolic disorders, nutritional regulation, and visual disorders. It will also delve into emerging retinoid applications in fields like gastrointestinal enteropathy, neural plasticity, neurodegeneration, stem cell biology, and regenerative pathways. The conference will place significant emphasis on retinoid therapeutics, analytical tools and methods in retinoid research, and new developments in the structural biology of retinoid enzymes and transporters. The clinical portion of the meeting will center on the development and application of novel retinoid and rexinoid therapies for treating cancer, visual and metabolic disorders, and skin and neurodegenerative diseases. Attendees will broaden their understanding of the genetic and environmental factors impacting the uptake, metabolism, and biological response to retinoids. The conference will assemble investigators at different stages of their careers and from various disciplines, including biochemistry, nutrition science, cancer research, vision research, stem cell biology, structural biology, immunology, chemistry, and clinical fields. By promoting collaboration and interdisciplinary dialogue, we aim to advance understanding and research in the retinoid field. We will host career-oriented training and meet-the-expert sessions to benefit early-stage researchers, trainees, postdoctoral fellows, and young investigators. Selected abstracts will also be given the opportunity for oral presentations, thereby increasing the visibility of these emerging professionals. We are seeking partial funding for the FASEB Retinoid Conference to sustain its mission, support the attendance of underrepresented and women scientists, and facilitate the entry of early-stage investigators into the retinoid research field. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Retinoids, the active forms of vitamin A, have significant impacts on human health, influencing vision, immunity, metabolism, embryonic development, reproduction, and cell differentiation. They also serve as crucial therapeutics for cancers, skin and visual diseases, and are promising therapeutic approaches for treating neurological, and metabolic disorders. The primary aim of the 7th International Conference on Retinoids FASEB SRC is to facilitate scientific exchange and collaborations in fundamental research and clinical applications of retinoids for disease prevention and treatment, while offering training opportunities for newcomers and early- stage investigators in the field.

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