Candace D. Sibley, M.S.P.H., Health Science Policy Analyst

Candace D. Sibley, MSPH, is a Health Science Policy Analyst at the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS). She is interested in using program evaluation and strategic planning to enhance organizational and program effectiveness.

Before ODS, she was an Evaluation Scientist at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), specializing in enhancing evaluation capacity. Her expertise is evaluating program performance and aligning initiatives with strategic goals to guide decision-making.

As a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) evaluation lead, she improved efficiency, guided strategic planning, and fostered improved program implementation and impact. Her early career at the National Center for Health Statistics and ICF International honed her skills in survey development, improvement, and evaluability assessments to maximize program improvement and impact.

She serves and has served on multiple communities of practice and committees, including the Evaluation Subcommittee of the Planning and Evaluation Officers Committee, the NIH Evaluation and Analysis Community of Practice Planning Committee, and the NCI Civility Committee.

She received her M.S. in public health from the University of South Florida and her B.A. in medical anthropology from the University of North Texas.