Staff Presentations




  • Gerontological Society of America 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting
    September 22–25, 2024
    Jaime Gahche and Johanna Dwyer presented a poster titled, Malnutrition Risk among Older Americans Act (OAA) Nutrition Program Participants in 2022 and 2023.
  • Curious Science Writers
    July 16, 2024
    Carol Haggans gave a presentation titled Summarizing Scientific Literature into Fact Sheets for Different Audiences.
  • International Congress on Natural Product Research
    July 13–17, 2024
    Barbara Sorkin presented a poster titled Review of Honeybee-Sourced, Ingested Natural Products and their Health Uses.
  • Well Connected
    July 9, 2024
    Carol Haggans gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know to a virtual community for older adults.
  • American Society for Nutrition - NUTRITION 2024
    June 29 – July 2, 2024
    On June 30, Stefan Pasiakos participated in a session titled Meet the Directors; Patricia Haggerty participated in Connect with the Fed Office Hours; Edwina Wambogo presented a talk titled Infant Formula Usage Among Infants and Toddlers, Aged 0–23 Months, in a Convenience Sample, 2019–March 2020; Jaime Gahche presented a talk titled Exploring Multivitamin Usage Trends and Considerations in the United States as part of the Multivitamins and Healthy Aging: The Accumulating Evidence Base and Public Health Value Proposition (Sponsored Satellite Program) session. Margaret Nagai-Singer presented a poster titled Prevalence of Dietary Supplements Used for Perceived and Marketed Immune System Benefits, NHANES 2017–March 2020Barbara Sorkin presented a poster titled What’s the Buzz About Ingested Honey Bee Products? A Literature Review of Clinical Trials; ODS staff coauthored posters titled USDA/NIH-ODS Special Interest Databases for Dietary Supplements and Foods: Bridging Data Gaps for Dietary Health and Analytical Testing of 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate in Dietary Supplements: Label Accuracy, and Dosage Form Performance. On July 1, Edwina Wambogo presented two posters titled Total Iodine Intake From Foods and Dietary Supplements by the U.S Population, NHANES 2011–2018 and Total Iodine Intake From Foods and Beverages, and Top Food Sources for the U.S Population, NHANES 2011–2018; and Jaime Gahche presented a poster titled Are Participants in Older Americans Act (OAA) Programs at Risk of Malnutrition?
  • 2024 International Conference on the Science of Botanicals
    April 18, 2024
    Adam Kuszak gave a talk titled New Natural Product Certified Reference Material Resources Supported by the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements.
  • American Association for Sleep Medicine Foundation Young Investigators Research Forum
    April 18, 2024
    Barbara Sorkin participated as a panelist on funding opportunities.
  • NCI Integrative Medicine Course for NIH Fellows
    February 22, 2024
    Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements and Botanical/Natural Products Research.


  • AOAC International Annual Meeting
    August 29, 2023
    Adam Kuszak gave a talk titled NIH-Supported Resources to Improve Botanical Dietary Supplement Characterization and Research as part of the session, Botanical Ingredients and Dietary Supplement Integrity-Comprehensive Approaches.
  • American Society for Nutrition 2023
    July 23–24, 2023
    On July 23, Patricia Haggerty gave a presentation titled Funding Opportunities from the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements. On July 24, LaVerne Brown presented a poster titled A Resilience Research Conceptual Model and Design Tool as an Approach to Investigating Beneficial Health Outcomes of Nutritional Interventions.
  • American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) Annual Meeting
    July 22–23, 2023
    On July 22, Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled Of Mice and Humans: Some Pointers for Effective Translation. On July 23, Sanem Hosbas Coskun presented a poster titled Quantification of Triterpene Glycosides of Black Cohosh Standard Reference Materials (SRMs).
  • Curious Science Writers
    July 11, 2023
    Carol Haggans gave a presentation titled Summarizing Scientific Literature into Fact Sheets for Different Audiences.
  • Natural Health Product Research Society of Canada Annual Meeting
    June 20, 2023
    Adam Kuszak contributed to a panel presentation titled Consistent Lab Test Results: Why is it difficult?
  • 2023 Mary Frances Picciano Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
    May 22–24, 2023
    On May 22, Jaime Gahche and Edwina Wambogo moderated the Setting the Stage session; Jaime Gahche gave a Welcome and Overview of ODS; Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation titled Motivations for Dietary Supplement Use; Patricia Haggerty moderated the Rules and Regulations session, and gave a talk titled NIH Support for Research and Training on Dietary Supplements; Rebecca Costello moderated a Special Topics breakout session; LaVerne Brown gave a presentation titled Resilience Research at NIH ODS; and Karen Regan moderated the NIH Dietary Supplements and Nutrition Research Grants session. On May 23, Joe Betz gave a talk titled Doing the Studies: The Different Types and What They Tell Us in the Assessing the Health Effects of Supplement Ingredients session moderated by LaVerne Brown; Sanem Hosbas Coskun moderated the Rigor and Reproducibility in Dietary Supplement Research session; Adam Kuszak gave a talk titled Analytical Characterization of Dietary Supplements: Methods, Standards, and Quality Assurance; Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled Challenges in Research on Botanical Dietary Supplements; Carol Haggans moderated the Dietary Supplements Research Databases and Resources breakout session; Joyce Merkel gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Databases; Edwina Wambogo gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Assessment Methods; and Barbara Sorkin moderated the Botanicals and Health, from Traditional Use to the 21st Century breakout session. On May 24, Gretchen Vannice moderated the Special Topics session; Carol Haggans gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements and Immunity: Lessons Learned from COVID-19; and Patricia Haggerty and Jaime Gahche moderated the Dietary Supplement Quality session.
  • AOAC International Midyear Meeting
    March 15, 2023
    Adam Kuszak gave a presentation titled Efforts of the NIH ODS Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program to Improve Dietary Supplement Characterization as part of the session, Botanical Ingredients and Dietary Supplement Integrity (BIDSI) Program Meeting.
  • Toxicology Forum Winter Meeting 2023
    January 23, 2023
    Adam Kuszak gave a talk titled Importance of Reference Materials and Method Validation for Advancing Dietary Supplement Research as part of the Advancement of Botanical Safety Using New Approach Methodologies session.


  • USP Dietary Supplements Sector Meeting
    December 12, 2022
    Adam Kuszak gave a talk about dietary supplement informational support for pharmacists and other health care practitioners.
  • Chicago State University
    November 29, 2022
    Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled Finding and Understanding Information on Dietary Supplements to the Delta Xi Chapter of the Rho Chi (Pharmacology) Honor Society.
  • Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Texas Tech University
    October 13, 2022
    Carol Haggans gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements - What You Need to Know.
  • American Geriatrics Society and National Institute on Aging
    October 12, 2022
    LaVerne Brown gave a presentation titled Harmonizing Resilience Research at NIH as part of the Bench-to-Bedside Conference Series: Overview of the Resilience World.
  • Council for Responsible Nutrition
    October 11, 2022
    LaVerne Brown gave a presentation titled Harmonizing Resilience Research at NIH as part of the conference, Science in Session.
  • George Washington University
    October 5, 2022
    Jaime Gahche gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplement Use in the United States to a master’s level Nutrition Epidemiology class.
  • American Society for Nutrition Seminar
    September 22, 2022
    Jaime Gahche gave a presentation titled Challenges for NHANES: Nutrition Data from NHANES as part of the webinar National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES): Opportunities for Revitalization.
  • FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Review Botanical Drug Seminar Series
    September 20, 2022
    Barbara Sorkin gave a virtual seminar titled You Can’t Always Get What You Want: Challenges in Research on Botanicals and Human Health.
  • University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
    September 2, 2022
    Carol Haggans gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplement Conundrums to the UPMC Susquehanna medical staff. 
  • American Society of Pharmacognosy Annual Meeting
    July 23, 2022
    Barbara Sorkin co-organized and presented a grantsmanship workshop.
  • 2022 Mary Frances Picciano Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
    May 23–25, 2022
    On May 23, Jaime Gahche gave the Welcome and Introductions: What ODS Does; Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation titled Motivations for Dietary Supplement Use; Paul Thomas moderated the Rules and Regulations session; Joseph Betz gave a talk titled Food vs. Drugs vs. Dietary Supplements; Karen Regan moderated the Databases and Resources session; Joyce Merkel gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplement Databases; and Leila Saldanha gave a talk titled Finding Information on Dietary Supplement Products. On May 24 Sanem Hosbas Coskun moderated the Rigor and Reproducibility in Dietary Supplements Research session; Adam Kuszak gave a presentation titled Analytical Characterization of Dietary Supplements: Methods, Standards, and Quality Assurance; Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled Challenges in Research on Botanical Dietary Supplements; LaVerne Brown moderated the session on Efficacy and Safety; Rebecca Costello moderated the Special Topics session; Dr. Brown gave a talk titled Resilience Research at NIH Office of Dietary Supplements; and Patricia Haggerty gave a presentation titled NIH Support for Research and Training on Nutrition and Dietary Supplements. On May 25 Carol Haggans gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements and Immunity: Lessons Learned from COVID-19.
  • Precision Probiotic Therapies—Challenges and Opportunities
    April 26–27, 2022
    On April 26 Barbara Sorkin gave a welcome address for the topic What are the current challenges in probiotic research? On April 27 Dr. Sorkin gave a welcome address and Joseph Betz presented opening remarks regarding What will be the next steps in precision probiotics?
  • DC Metro Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Conference
    April 22, 2022
    Leila Saldanha gave a presentation titled Help! Where Can I Find Information on Dietary Supplements?
  • MoCo Scientists for Kids
    April 20, 2022
    Carol Haggans gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know to an after-school program for children aged 8–14 in Montgomery County, MD.
  • American Chemical Society National Meeting
    April 12, 2022
    Stephen Wise gave a talk titled Shape Selectivity in Chromatographic Separations of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds.
  • Pittcon 2021
    March 8–12, 2022
    Stephen Wise presented a talk titled Four Decades in the Development of Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for Organic Analysis.
  • Well Connected
    March 8, 2022
    Carol Haggans gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know to a virtual community for older adults.
  • University of Southern California
    January 7, 2022
    Carol Haggans gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements in the Time of COVID-19 to students attending a global nutrition course.


  • ODS 25th Anniversary Scientific Symposium
    October 25–26, 2021
    On October 25, Joseph Betz presented Opening Remarks. Nancy Potischman gave a Programmatic Introduction of Dietary Supplement Use in the United States. Bernadette Marriott, ODS Director 1995–1999, and Paul Coates, ODS Director 1999–2018, offered Remarks. Barbara Sorkin provided a Programmatic Introduction to Botanical Dietary Supplement Research. Dr. Betz moderated an Integrated Panel Discussion and Q&A. On October 26, Patricia Haggerty moderated a session titled ODS Initiatives to Coordinate and Catalyze Research. Anne Thurn gave a Programmatic Introduction to the Evidence-based Review Program. Abby Ershow presented an Overview of the Iodine Initiative. LaVerne Brown gave a Programmatic Introduction to the Resilience Program. For the session on ODS Resources to Enhance Research and Disseminate Knowledge, Johanna Dwyer, Leila Saldanha, and Rich Bailen gave a presentation about the Dietary Supplement Label Database. Adam Kuszak gave a Programmatic Introduction to the Analytical Methods and Reference Materials (AMRM) Program. Paul Thomas and Carol Haggans gave a presentation on ODS Education and Communications. Karen Regan moderated the session on Training the Next Generation of Dietary Supplement Researchers. Jamie Gahche gave a talk titled ODS Activities to Enhance the Dietary Supplement Research Workforce. Dr. Betz moderated a discussion and closing remarks on Looking to the Future.
  • University of Georgia
    October 22, 2021
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Use in the United States to a master’s level nutrition class webinar.
  • Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo 2021
    October 17, 2021
    Carol Haggans gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements and Immunity: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 at the Nutrition and Immunity: Evidence at the Intersection of Diet and Health session.
  • The George Washington University
    October 13, 2021
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Use in the United States to a master’s level epidemiology class webinar.
  • Defeat Malnutrition Today
    September 15, 2021
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Collecting Data on Older Adults: Opportunities to Learn About Nutrition Status in a webinar with speakers from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Administration for Community Living (ACL).
  • Mary Frances Picciano Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
    May 25–27, 2021
    On May 25, Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Welcome and Setting the Stage: What ODS Does; Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Motivations for Dietary Supplement Use; Joe Betz gave a talk titled Food vs. Drugs vs. Dietary Supplements; and Abby Ershow gave a talk titled NIH Support for Research and Training on Nutrition and Dietary Supplements. On May 26, Adam Kusak gave a talk titled Analytical Characterization of Dietary Supplements: Methods, Standards, and Quality Assurance; Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled Challenges in Research on Botanical Dietary Supplements; Carol Haggans gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements in the Time of COVID-19; and Joyce Merkel gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Databases. On May 27, Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Emerging Science: The Microbiome and Nutrition.
  • Texas A&M University
    April 22, 2021
    Barbara Sorkin gave a lecture titled Understanding Dietary Supplements to an undergraduate pharmacometrics class.
  • Federal Working Group on Dietary Supplements
    April 15, 2021
    Carol Haggans gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements in the Time of COVID-19.
  • American Chemical Society National Meeting
    April 12, 2021
    Stephen Wise gave a talk titled Shape Selectivity in Chromatographic Separations of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds.
  • NCI-NIH Integrative Medicine Course
    March 25, 2021
    Barbara Sorkin gave a presentation titled The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements and Research to Increase the Understanding of Dietary Supplements.
  • NIH VideoCast
    March 16, 2021
    Carol Haggans and Paul Thomas gave an NIH VideoCast talk titled Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know.
  • Pittcon 2021
    March 8–12, 2021
    Stephen Wise presented a talk titled Four Decades in the Development of Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for Organic Analysis.
  • University of Georgia
    February 10, 2021
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Use in the United States as part of the Foods and Nutrition College of Family and Consumer Sciences Department’s Seminar Series.


  • The George Washington University
    October 21, 2020
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Use in the United States to a master’s level epidemiology class.
  • Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) Day of Science
    October 13, 2020
    Jaime Gahche gave a presentation titled The evolving science of nutrition and public policy: Are nutrient gaps here to stay?
  • 2020 International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies Virtual Integrated Food Ontology Workshop
    September 16, 2020
    Leila Saldanha gave a presentation titled Inclusion of Dietary Supplements as a Subcategory of Foods in Food Ontology Systems.
  • AOAC International Annual Meeting & Exposition
    September 8–24, 2020
    Adam Kuszak chaired the Analytical Characterization of Dietary Supplements for Public Health Research session on September 21 and co-chaired the Botanical Identification Goes Mobile session on September 15.
  • Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) Regulatory, Scientific & Quality Conference
    September 1, 2020
    Jaime Gahche gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplement Use in the United States.
  • Nutrition Live Online 2020
    June 1–4, 2020
    Cindy Davis and Karen Regan gave a presentation titled NIH Response to COVID-19 and Nutrition-Specific Funding Opportunities on June 2 at the American Society for Nutrition virtual annual meeting.
  • Virtual Aging in America Conference 2020
    May 5, 2020
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk as part of a highlighted session titled National Developments in Addressing Older Adult Malnutrition: From Research to Policies to Programs.
  • George Mason University
    April 20, 2020
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Use in the United States to a master’s level nutrition class.
  • Meeting of the Southern Society for Clinical Investigation
    February 13–15, 2020
    Nancy Potischman gave an invited talk titled Current Topics in Pregnancy and Early Childhood Nutrition on February 14.


  • University of Illinois
    November 20, 2019
    Cindy Davis gave an invited seminar titled A Nutritionist’s Journey at NIH and USDA.
  • North American Microbiome Conference
    November 12, 2019
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Diet, Microbiome, and Health: The Influence of Diet on the Intestinal Microbiome.
  • George Washington University
    November 6, 2019
    Jaime Gahche gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplement Use in the United States to a master’s level nutrition class.
  • Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis
    October 23–26, 2019
    Stephen Wise gave an invited presentation titled Assessing Vitamin D Status – Analytical Challenges and Accomplishments on October 25 and a presentation titled Reference Materials for Botanical Dietary Supplement Ingredients – Development, Characterization, and Use on October 26.
  • Precision Nutrition Conference
    October 15, 2019
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation at Cornell University titled Nutrition Research at NIH –Strategic Planning Update.
  • University of Maryland Extension
    October 7, 2019
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Diet, Gut Microbiome, and He alth.
  • AOAC International
    September 6–12, 2019
    Stephen Wise gave an invited presentation titled Assessing Vitamin D Status – Analytical Challenges and Accomplishments on September 9 at the 133rd Annual Meeting of AOAC International.
  • Interdisciplinary Nutrition Sciences Symposium
    July 25, 2019
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled The Office of Dietary Supplements: Resources for Investigators.
  • Nutrition 2019
    June 9, 2019
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Funding Opportunities from the Office of Dietary Supplements.
  • American Society for Nutrition
    June 8–11, 2019
    ODS staff gave presentations at the ASN Nutrition 2019 meeting. On June 9, Paul Coates gave the Introduction, Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Funding Opportunities from the Office of Dietary Supplements, and Barbara Sorkin gave a presentation titled NIH Centers for Advancing Research on Botanicals and Other Natural Products (CARBON Program). On June 10, Lela Saldanha gave the Introduction and Dr. Davis gave a minisymposium titled Gut Microbiome: Preclinical and Human Studies.
  • Free 25(OH)D Working Group (F25D-WG) Vitamin D Workshop
    May 30, 2019
    Chris Sempos and Stephen Wise presented an invited poster titled Interlaboratory Comparison Study: Future Diagnostics’ Kit for the Direct Measurement of Free 25-Hydroxyvitamin D.
  • Mary Frances Picciano Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
    May 29–31, 2019
    On May 29, Joe Betz gave a talk titled Welcome and Setting the Stage: What ODS Does and a talk titled Food vs. Drugs vs. Dietary Supplements; Jaime Gahche gave a presentation titled Overview of Dietary Supplement Use; Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Motivations for Dietary Supplement Use; Adam Kusak gave a talk titled Analytical Characterization of Dietary Supplements: Methods, Standards, and Quality Assurance; and Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled Challenges in Research on Botanical Dietary Supplements. On May 30, Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Emerging Science: The Microbiome and Nutrition; Joyce Merkel gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Databases; Carol Haggans gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss; Abby Ershow gave a talk titled NIH Support for Research and Training on Nutrition and Dietary Supplements. On May 31, Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Analysis of the Evidence.
  • NIH Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives
    May 14, 2019
    Rich Bailen gave a talk to the NIH OD DPCPSI Program Support Group titled Grants Efficiency Management System (GEMS).
  • George Mason University
    April 23, 2019
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Use in the United States to a master’s level nutrition class.
  • 2019 Aging in America Conference
    April 16, 2019
    Jaime Gahche and Johanna Dwyer gave presentations as part of a workshop titled Frailty and Malnutrition Screening Tools and Interventions.
  • Cornell University
    March 27, 2019
    Cindy Davis gave an invited lecture titled Dietary Supplements and Chronic Disease Prevention: Research Gaps and How to Study Them.
  • National Cancer Institute
    March 13, 2019
    Cindy Davis gave an invited lecture titled Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention.
  • Southern Society for Clinical Investigation
    February 21–23, 2019
    Becky Costello gave a presentation titled Evaluation of Subclinical Magnesium Deficiency in Postmenopausal Women on Feb. 22.
  • Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health
    February 14, 2019
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Use Among Older Women to a working group on Aging and Older Women’s Health.
  • Office of Dietary Supplements
    February 12, 2019
    Barbara Sorkin gave an applicant technical assistance webinar for RFA OD 19-001 titled The Botanical Dietary Supplements Research Centers Funding Opportunity Announcement, published January 23, 2019.
  • North American Microbiome Conference
    February 11, 2019
    Cindy Davis gave an invited presentation titled Diet, Microbiome and Health: The Influence of Diet on the Intestinal Microbiome.
  • Food Policy Impact Conference
    February 6, 2019
    Cindy Davis gave an invited presentation titled Strategic Plan for Nutrition Research at NIH.
  • Older Individuals Collaborative on Nutrition
    January 29, 2019
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements and Use by Older Adults to this interagency group.
  • United Natural Products Alliance
    January 24, 2019
    Barbara Sorkin gave a webinar titled An update on the Botanical Research Centers Program and other resources supported by the NIH ODS.
  • Boston Joint Dietetic Internship
    January 9, 2019
    Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements for Older Americans to an internship class.


  • Pennsylvania State University
    October 25, 2018
    Johanna Dwyer presented the 2018 Healthy Lion Award Lecture titled Challenges and Opportunities in the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines…. And where do mushrooms fit?
  • George Washington University, Milken Institute School of Public Health
    October 24, 2018
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Use in the United States to a master’s level nutritional epidemiology course.
  • Federal Working Group on Dietary Supplements
    October 18, 2018
    Richard Bailen, Johanna Dwyer, and Leila Saldanha gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD) 2018.
  • Biological and Environmental Reference Materials
    September 24–26, 2018
    Adam Kuszak gave a talk on Sept. 25 titled Use (and misuse) of Certified Reference Materials in Basic Biomedical Research at the 15th BERM meeting. He gave a presentation on Sept. 26 titled Enhancing US Dietary Supplement and Nutrition Research Capacity: The NIH AMRM Program. Stephen Wise gave a closing keynote presentation titled BERM and the ‘Golden Age’ of Biological and Environmental CRMs.
  • AOAC International
    August 26–29, 2018
    Adam Kuszak gave a talk titled The Benefits of Quality Assurance Programs from an NIH Perspective and Stephen Wise gave a presentation titled The World of Reference Materials—Development, Characterization, and Various Uses at the 132nd annual AOAC International meeting.
  • Japanese Association for Health Economics Research
    August 22, 2018
    Abby Ershow gave a talk titled The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements Iodine Initiative.
  • National Human Genome Research Institute Community Outreach
    August 22, 2018
    Abby Ershow gave a presentation titled Overview of the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements.
  • 40th National Nutrient Databank Conference
    July 23–25, 2018
    Leila Saldanha gave a presentation on July 24 titled Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD): Mobile Friendly Version.
  • Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
    June 24–29, 2018
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation on June 24 at the Nutritional Immunology and the Microbiota: Rules of Engagement in Health and Disease conference titled ODS Extramural Funding Opportunities.
  • American Society for Nutrition
    June 8–11, 2018
    Johanna Dwyer moderated a session on dietary supplements. Cindy Davis gave a presentation on June 9 titled Funding Opportunities from the Office of Dietary Supplements. Barbara Sorkin gave a presentation on June 10 titled The NIH Centers for Advancing Research on Botanicals and Other Natural Products. On June 11, Dr. Davis gave a presentation titled ODS Extramural Funding Opportunities.
  • Mary Frances Picciano Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
    May 30 – June 1, 2018
    On May 30, Paul Coates gave a talk titled Welcome and Setting the Stage: What ODS Does; Regan Bailey gave a presentation titled Overview of Dietary Supplement Use; Joe Betz gave a talk titled Food vs. Drugs vs. Dietary Supplements; Abby Ershow gave a presentation titled NIH Support for Research and Training on Nutrition and Dietary Supplements; Adam Kusak gave a talk titled Analytical Characterization of Dietary Supplements: Overview of Methods, Standards, and Quality Assurance; and Barbara Sorkin gave a presentation titled Challenges in Research on Botanical Dietary Supplements. On May 31, Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Motivations for Dietary Supplement Use. On June 1, Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Emerging Science: The Microbiome and Nutrition; Joyce Merkel gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Databases; Carol Haggans gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss; and Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Analysis of the Evidence.
  • NIH Prevention Research Coordinating Committee
    May 8, 2018
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Update on Iron and Related ODS Activities.
  • Cornell University
    April 23, 2018
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Diet, Microbiome and Health: Past, Present & Future.
  • George Mason University
    April 16, 2018
    Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements: Nutrition & Beyond to a master’s level nutrition class.
  • Russell Klein Symposium
    April 5, 2018
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Diet, Microbiome and Health: Past, Present & Future.
  • University of Maryland, School of Public Health
    April 5, 2018
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Use in the United States to a master’s level intermediate epidemiology course.
  • National Academies
    April 3, 2018
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled NIH Remarks at the Examining Special Nutritional Requirements in Disease States workshop.
  • Federal Working Group on Dietary Supplements
    March 29, 2018
    Barbara Sorkin gave a presentation titled The NIH Centers for Advancing Research on Botanicals and Other Natural Products Program.
  • John A. Milner Nutrition in Cancer Prevention Practicum
    March 16, 2018
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Evidence-based Reviews for Nutrition Topics: the ODS Experience.
  • Joint DoD, Food & Nutrition, and Dietary Supplement Subcommittee
    March 6, 2018
    LaVerne Brown gave a talk titled The Vitamin D Paradox in Black Americans at an expert panel meeting.
  • Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
    February 20, 2018
    LaVerne Brown gave a talk titled The Vitamin D Paradox in Black Americans at an expert panel meeting.
  • Institute of Food Technologists Food Policy Impact Conference
    February 5, 2018
    Paul Coates gave a presentation called ODS and NIH Update.


  • National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
    December 19, 2017
    Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Diet, Microbiota and Health: Past, Present and Future.
  • The Vitamin D Paradox: A Systems-based Approach to Investigating Clinical Practice, Research, and Public Health
    December 1, 2017
    Paul Coates gave a Welcome talk. LaVerne Brown gave an Overview. Christopher Sempos gave a talk titled Highlights of the Vitamin D Standardization Program Conference.
  • 10th Asian Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition
    November 28, 2017
    Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Nutrition for a Healthy Microbiome.
  • Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP)
    November 28, 2017
    Stephen Wise gave a presentation titled Interlaboratory Comparison for the Determination of 24,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 in Human Serum using Liquid Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry.
  • Vitamin D Standardization Program: The Road Ahead
    November 28–30, 2017
    On Nov. 28, Paul Coates gave a Welcome talk. Christopher Sempos gave a talk titled
    VDSP: How Far Have We Come and Where Are We Going? Dr. Sempos also gave a talk titled Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vitamin D Standardization Certification Program – Contributions to Vitamin D Standardization. Stephen Wise gave a talk titled Interlaboratory Comparison for the Determination of 24,25(OH)2D3. On Nov. 29, LaVerne Brown gave a talk titled A System-based Approach to Investigating the Vitamin D Paradox in Black  Americans. Dr. Sempos gave a talk titled VDSP Performance Criteria: Re-Evaluation and Extension.
  • Dietary Supplement Regulations: Labeling and Claims Conference
    November 13, 2017
    Paul Coates was a panelist and moderator.
  • Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo
    October 24, 2017
    Paul Coates, Johanna Dwyer, and Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Dietary supplements: what you should know.
  • National Institute of Metrology (NIM) China
    October 23, 2017
    Stephen Wise gave a presentation titled NIH-ODS and NIST Collaboration to Develop Reference Materials for Dietary Supplements and Nutritional Health Status Assessment.
  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo
    October 21–24, 2017
    On Oct. 24, Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know and Why, Paul Coates gave a presentation titled How Can the Office of Dietary Supplements Help You?, Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation titled Health Effects of Popular Supplements, and Dr. Thomas gave a presentation titled Use of Dietary Supplements, Evidence of Benefit, and Resources for Practice.
  • International Union of Nutrition Sciences Conference
    October 16–20, 2017
    Johanna Dwyer moderated two sessions.
  • 12th International Food Composition Database Conference
    October 11–13, 2017
    Johanna Dwyer presented a poster titled Does iron in marketed prenatal supplements match the amounts and forms tested in clinical trials?
  • Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis (BCEIA)
    October 11, 2017
    Stephen Wise gave a presentation titled Reference Materials for Dietary Supplements – Why, What, and How.
  • Microbiome in Food Safety, Food Quality and Human Health
    September 28, 2017
    Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Overview of the Microbiome in Health and Disease.
  • International Life Sciences Institute Workshop on Personalized Nutrition
    September 22, 2017
    Paul Coates gave a talk titled Thoughts on nutrigenomics.
  • National Cancer Institute
    September 14, 2017
    Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Promoting Nutrition Research Collaborations Between NCI and ODS.
  • Tate and Lyle Research Advisory Group
    September 13, 2017
    Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Diet and the Microbiome: Current Challenges.
  • Vitamin D and Health in Europe: Current and Future Perspectives
    September 6, 2017
    Christopher Sempos gave a presentation titled The Continued Need for Standardisation of Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the Post ODIN Era.
  • Tufts Dental School
    September 1, 2017
    Johanna Dwyer gave a talk on Obesity and Dietary Supplements.
  • American Society for Pharmacognosy 2017 annual meeting
    July 29 – August 2, 2017
    On July 29, Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled NIH Grantsmanship and NIH Office of Dietary Supplements Research Support. On July 31, Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Overview of the 2017-2021 Strategic Plan for the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements.
  • Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior annual conference
    July 20–24, 2017
    On July 21, Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled The Evidence Base for Feeding Success of Infants and Young Children: Past, Present and Future.
  • Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department of Treasury
    July 6, 2017
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled The Office of Dietary Supplements at NIH.
  • Nutrition Research Division, Food Directorate, Health Products and Food Branch, Health Canada
    July 6, 2017
    Christopher Sempos gave a talk titled Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP): An Overview.
  • Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting
    June 25–28, 2017
    On June 24, Cindy Davis gave an invited lecture titled Nutrition Emerging Trend—Microbiome at the Pre-IFT17 Short Course, Formulating for Function: Understanding the Application of Gums and Starches in Food.
  • Office of Dietary Supplements
    June 21, 2017
    Christopher Sempos gave a presentation titled Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP) Overview.
  • 1st International Conference on Controversies in Vitamin D
    June 14–16, 2017
    Christopher Sempos gave a presentation titled Optimal 25(OH)D Assay Methodology.
  • USDA’s 2017 BHNRC Seminar Series
    June 13, 2017
    Jaime Gahche gave a talk titled Flavonoid Intake and Cardiovascular Disease.
  • University of Wisconsin
    June 9, 2017
    Cindy Davis gave a plenary lecture at the Tenth Annual Department of Medicine Research Day; her talk was titled Diet, Microbiota and Health: Past, Present and Future.
  • Vitamin Society of Japan
    June 9–10, 2017
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements and Health Promotion: Assessing the Evidence on June 9. On June 10, he gave a talk titled Patterns of Dietary Supplement Use in the United States.
  • Mary Frances Picciano Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
    May 31 – June 2, 2017
    On May 31, Paul Coates gave a talk titled Welcome and Setting the Stage: What ODS Does; Regan Bailey gave a talk titled Overview of Dietary Supplement Use; Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Food vs. Drugs vs. Dietary Supplements; Abby Ershow gave a talk titled NIH Support for Research and Training on Nutrition and Dietary Supplements; Adam Kuszak gave a presentation titled Analytical Characterization of Dietary Supplements: Overview of Methods, Standards, and Quality Assurance; and Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled Challenges in Research on Botanical Dietary Supplements. On June 1, Christine Taylor gave a presentation titled Safety: The Concept of Safety, Its Measurement, and Reporting. One June 2, Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Motivations for Dietary Supplement Use; Joyce Merkel gave a presentation titled Special Presentation: Dietary Supplement Databases; Carol Haggans gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss; and Paul Thomas gave a presentation titled Analysis of the Evidence.
  • Trans-NIH Chronic Inflammation Interest Group
    May 31 – June 1, 2017
    Johanna Dwyer chaired a session at this NIH conference.
  • University of Illinois
    May 18–19, 2017
    Barbara Sorkin presented at the annual meeting of the NIH Centers for Advancing Research on Botanical and Other Natural Products (CARBON) Program.
  • Natural Health Products Research Society of Canada 14th Annual Conference – Beyond Tradition
    May 9–11, 2017
    On May 10, Stephen Wise co-chaired two sessions, one titled Botanical Authentication—Reference Materials and the other titled Botanical Authentication—Analytics. Dr. Wise also gave an invited presentation titled The NIH-ODS and NIST Reference Material Program for Dietary Supplements – Updates and Future Plans.
  • International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia
    April 27–28, 2017
    Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation titled The Use of Dietary Supplements Among Older Adults in the USA, 2007-2010.
  • Experimental Biology 2017
    April 22–26, 2017
    On April 22, Johanna Dwyer co-chaired a symposium titled Informing B-24 Dietary Guidelines: Findings from the New Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study 2016; Regan Bailey gave a talk titled The Usual Nutrient Intakes of Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers in the USA in 2016; Dr. Dwyer gave a presentation titled FITS Going Forward; and Edwina Wambogo co-presented a poster titled Validity of the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) for Use in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). On April 23, Cindy Davis co-presented a poster titled Detection of Mature Plant miRNA in Different Biological Matrix: Importance of Internal Standard and Validation of the Method; Leila Saldanha and Dr. Dwyer co-presented a poster titled Amounts and Sources of Iron in Prenatal Supplements in the US Versus Those Tested in Clinical Trials; Drs. Saldanha and Dwyer co-presented a poster titled Toddler Dietary Supplements: A Comparison of Product Formulations with Recommended Amounts; Dr. DwyerRebecca Costello, Nancy Potischman, and Luisa Rios-Avila co-presented a poster titled Dietary Supplement Items on Commonly Used Food Frequency Questionnaires; Drs. Dwyer and Saldanha and Joseph Betz co-presented a poster titled Analytically Predicted Estimates for Vitamin D, Vitamin A and Chromium Content in Adult Multivitamin/Mineral Products (MVMs) for the Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID); Drs. Dwyer, Betz, Costello, Saldanha and Adam Kuszak co-presented a poster titled Do Single- and Multi-Ingredient Botanical Dietary Supplements Containing Green Tea Pass the United States Pharmacopeia’s (USP) Disintegration and Dissolution Requirements?; Dr. Bailey co-presented a poster titled Total Usual Intake of Most Shortfall Nutrients Varies with Poverty Among U.S. Adults; Karen Regan co-presented a poster titled NIH Nutrition Research Funding, Fiscal Years 2012‒2016 and Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled Grant Writing for Success at the Diet and Cancer Research Interest Section of the American Society for Nutrition.. On April 25, Barbara Sorkin and Drs. Dwyer and Saldanha co-presented a poster titled What’s in Your Fiber Supplement? Using the Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD) to Evaluate Your Fiber Supplement; and Dr. Betz co-presented a poster titled Construction of Comprehensive Flavonoid Analysis Tool by Using UV-vis Spectra Library, In-house Database, and Chemometrics.
  • National Capitol Area Chapter of the Society of Toxicology
    April 19, 2017
    Barbara Sorkin and Adam Kuszak gave a talk titled National Institutes of Health Support of Dietary Supplement Research.
  • 17th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals
    April 3–6, 2017
    On April 4, Adam Kuszak gave a talk titled The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program.
  • Office of Dietary Supplements Federal Working Group
    March 30, 2017
    Cindy Davis gave an invited presentation titled Diet, Microbiota and Health: Past, Present and Future.
  • Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group 10th Anniversary Meeting
    March 22–24, 2017
    Barbara Sorkin gave a lightening talk on March 23 titled The NIH CARBON Program and Office of Dietary Supplements.
  • Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group, 10th Anniversary Meeting
    March 22, 2017
    On March 22, Barbara Sorkin co-chaired Session One and gave a presentation titled the NIH Centers for Advancing Research on Botanical and Other Natural Products (CARBON) Program.
  • National Cancer Institute
    March 22, 2017
    Cindy Davis gave an invited lecture titled Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention.
  • Troy University
    March 21, 2017
    Barbara Sorkin gave a complementary and alternative medicine course lecture titled Challenges of Research on Botanical Dietary Supplements.
  • Institute of Food Technologists Policy Forum
    February 9, 2017
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled NIH Initiatives in Nutrition.
  • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
    January 9, 2017
    Linda Meyers moderated a session on Uses of DRIs at the Development of Guiding Principles for the Inclusion of Chronic Disease Endpoints in Future Dietary Reference Intakes—A Public Workshop.


  • ConAgra Science Institute
    December 15, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave an invited webinar titled Diet, Microbiota and Health: Past, Present and Future.
  • American Society for Nutrition
    November 17, 2016
    Paul Coates gave a webinar presentation titled NIH Research Activities Addressing the National Nutrition Research Roadmap 2016-2021.
  • American Institute for Cancer Research Annual Conference
    November 14–16, 2016
    Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements and Cancer Survivors: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and Knowing and Doing on November 15.
  • Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
    November 13–16, 2016
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled The Role of the ODS/NIH in Dietary Supplement Research at the Advancing Ethical Research Conference on November 15.
  • American Heart Association 2016 Scientific Sessions
    November 12–16, 2016
    Abby Ershow and Rebecca Costello co-moderated a session titled Dietary Supplements and CVD Health - Vitamins, Minerals, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Dietary Bioactives, and Dr. Costello presented Herbals and Other Botanical Supplements and CVD Risk.
  • University of Wisconsin
    November 3, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Diet, Microbiota and Health: Past, Present and Future.
  • Les Dames d' Escoffier International Annual Conference
    October 28, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Demystifying the Microbiome.
  • Micronutrient Forumexternal link disclaimer
    October 24–28, 2016
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled What’s the evidence? at a session on Hidden Hunger in the Elderly on October 27.
  • Federal Working Group on Dietary Supplements 
    October 20, 2016
    Linda Meyers gave a presentation titled Dietary Reference Intakes and More.
  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
    October 14, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave an invited webinar titled Promoting Nutrition Research Collaborations Between NIEHS and ODS.
  • National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
    October 11, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Promoting collaborations between NIAMS and ODS.
  • American Herbal Products Association Analytical Laboratories, Botanical Raw Materials, and Standards Committees Joint Meeting
    October 6, 2016
    Stephen Wise gave a presentation titled Development of Reference Materials for Dietary Supplements – Update on the NIH\ODS and NIST Collaboration.
  • United States Agency for International Development
    October 6, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Diet, Microbiome and Health.
  • New York Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Genetics and Newborn Screening Summit
    October 4–5, 2016
    Kathryn Camp gave a presentation titled Medical Foods: An Access Conundrum on October 4.
  • Roswell Park Cancer Institute
    September 26, 2016
    Christopher Sempos gave a presentation titled Vitamin D and the Limits of Assay Standardization at the Population Sciences Program Grand Rounds Seminar Series.
  • American Association of Medical Assistants Annual Conference
    September 16–19, 2016
    Paul Thomas gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements on September 19.
  • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
    September 13–14, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Nutrition and the Microbiome at the Food Forum Workshop on September 13.
  • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
    July 11, 2016
    Kathryn Camp gave a talk at the Examining Nutritional Requirements in Disease States planning meeting titled The Role of Medical Nutrition Therapy in Inherited Metabolic Disorders.
  • The Association for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
    July 7, 2016
    Christopher Sempos gave talks titled VDSP–Standardization Issues with 25-OHD and Vitamin D: Analytical and Clinical Stories at Imperial College.
  • International School of Physics
    June 28, 2016
    Stephen Wise gave invited lectures titled Reference Materials – Production, Homogeneity, Stability, and Value Assignment and Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) for Foody Safety and Nutritional Content.
  • Food and Nutrition Board
    June 24, 2016
    Paul Coates gave a talk titled Applying Systematic Reviews to NIH Nutrition Issues.
  • National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
    June 20, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave an invited presentation titled Diet and the Microbiome.
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
    June 16, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave an invited presentation titled Promoting Nutrition Research at the Office of Dietary Supplements.
  • Mary Frances Picciano Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
    June 7, 2016
    Paul Coates gave a talk titled Setting the Stage.
  • 4th International Vitamin Conference
    May 26, 2016
    Stephen Wise gave an invited keynote address titled Vitamin Content in Food – How Do We Assess the Accuracy of Measurements?
  • National Institute Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
    May 26, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave an invited presentation titled Promoting Nutrition Research at the Office of Dietary Supplements.
  • Interagency Risk Assessment Consortium
    May 20, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave an invited presentation titled Diet, Microbiota and Health: Past, Present and Future.
  • Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children
    May 9, 2016
    Kathryn Camp gave an invited presentation titled Medical Foods for Inborn Errors of Metabolism: Issues in Patient Access.
  • The Annual Conference of the Delaware Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
    May 6, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave an invited presentation titled The Human Biome and its Response to Dietary Components.
  • George Mason University
    May 2, 2016
    Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements: A Quick Swallow to a master’s level nutrition class.
  • International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia
    April 28–29, 2016
    Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements Marketed with Label Statements on Aging, Sarcopenia and Frailty in the NIH’s Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD).
  • New York Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Genetics and Newborn Screening Services
    April 27, 2016
    Kathryn Camp gave a talk titlted Medical Foods for Inborn Errors of Metabolism: Getting Products to Patients.
  • 3rd Biennial Oncology Nutrition DPG Symposium
    April 26, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave an invited presentation titled Exploring the Gut Microbiome.
  • Chemical Society of Washington
    April 26, 2016
    Stephen Wise gave the Hillebrand Award address titled From Shale Oil to Dust, Whale Blubber, Serum, Peanut Butter, and Ginkgo Biloba – 40 years of Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for Organic Analysis.
  • NIH National Toxicology Program Workshop
    April 26, 2016
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Addressing Challenges in the Assessment of Botanical Dietary Supplement Safety.
  • Johns Hopkins University
    April 13, 2016
    Cindy Davis gave an invited lecture titled Dietary Supplements and Chronic Disease Prevention.
  • The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
    April 11, 2016
    Paul Coates gave a talk titled The Federal Approach to Research on Nutritional Interventions for Primary Mitochondrial Diseases.
  • Experimental Biology 2016
    April 2–6, 2016
    On April 2, Paul Coates gave a talk titled NIH Research Activities Addressing Opportunities Relevant to the National Nutrition Research Roadmap and Cindy Davis chaired the Graduate Student Research Award Competition. On April 5, Regan Bailey co-presented a talk titled Dietary Supplements: Data Collection, Databases, Total Intakes, and Trends in the U.S.; Paul Coates co-chaired a minisymposium titled Nutritional Epidemiology: Research with Dietary Supplements and Bioactive Compounds; Johanna Dwyer, Joseph Betz, Leila Saldanha, and Rebecca Costello gave a presentation titled Measurement of Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) and Caffeine Content of 32 Green Tea Dietary Supplements for the Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database; Dr. Dwyer, Dr. Costello, Dr. Bailey, and Edwina Wambogo gave a presentation titled Are Chromium Supplements Efficacious for Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes?; Dr. Costello, Dr. Dwyer, Dr. Saldanha, Dr. Bailey, and Ms. Wambogo gave a talk titled Do Cinnamon Supplements Have a Role in Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes?; Dr. Davis participated in the talk Dietary Small RNA Modulation of Gut Microbiota Composition: In Silico and In Vitro Analyses; Dr. Coates gave a talk titled NIH Research Activities Addressing Research Opportunities Relevant to the National Nutrition Research Roadmap; and Christopher Sempos gave a talk titled  NIH—Vitamin D Standardization Program: Progress and New Opportunities.
  • University of Central Florida
    April 1, 2016
    Stephen Wise gave an invited talk to the Department of Chemistry titled From Shale Oil to Dust, Serum, Peanut Butter, and Ginkgo Biloba – The Development of Standard Reference materials (SRMs) for Organic Analysis.
  • 19th Workshop on Vitamin D
    March 29–31, 2016
    Christopher Sempos presented the talk Vitamin D Measurement Standardization: The Way Out of the Chaos on March 30.
  • Texas A & M University
    March 29, 2016
    Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled Challenges in Research on Flavonoids.
  • John Milner Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Research Practicum
    March 14–18, 2016
    Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled DSLD and DSID Research Tools for Cancer on March 18.
  • International Life Sciences Institute Annual Meetingexternal link disclaimer
    January 22–27, 2016
    Johanna Dwyer and Christine Taylor participated in a symposium titled Conundrum: How Do We Define the Continuum from Perturbation to Adverse Effects? on January 26.
  • Boston Joint Dietetic Internship Day
    January 4, 2016
    Johanna Dwyer gave a lecture titled Elders and dietary supplements.



  • University of the Sciences
    November 11, 2015
    Joseph Betz gave a complementary and alternative medicine course lecture titled Understanding Herbal Science in a Real World Context.
  • United Natural Products Alliance Dietary Supplement Analytical Summit
    November 5, 2015
    Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled A Review of Organizations and Programs Setting Standards, Creating Reference Materials and Methods for Dietary Supplements.
  • Hong Kong Baptist University
    October 30, 2015
    Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Botanical Products in the U.S.: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives.
  • 8th Shanghai International Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine
    October 21–24, 2015
    Dr. Joseph Betz gave a keynote lecture titled Certified Reference Materials for Natural Products.
  • FDA Critical Path Innovation Meeting
    October 19, 2015
    Kathryn Camp gave a presentation titled Use of Dietary Supplements in Management of Mitochondrial Disease.
  • George Washington University School of Public Health
    October 14, 2015
    Paul Thomas gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements: Who, What, Why, and How Do We Know.
  • Endokrinologicky ústav (Institute of Endocrinology)
    October 10, 2015
    Dr. Joseph Betz gave a lecture titled The International Vitamin D Standardization Program.
  • 15th International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference
    October 5–8, 2015
    Dr. Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Vitamin D Initiatives from the Analytical Methods
    and Reference Materials Program at the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements
  • USDA Human Nutrition Research Center Seminar Series
    September 15, 2015
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Diet, Supplements and the Microbiome:  Past, Present, and Future.
  • Global Summit on Food Fortification
    September 10, 2015
    Elizabeth Yetley gave a presentation titled It's Not Just About Poverty: Wheat Flour Fortification in North America.
  • American College of Preventive Medicine 2015 Healthy Aging Summit
    July 26, 2015
    Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation titled Nutrition as a Vital Sign: Progress in the Last 20 Years
  • American Society for Pharmacognosy 2015 Annual Meeting
    July 25, 2015
    Barbara Sorkin gave a talk titled NIH Grantsmanship and NIH Office of Dietary Supplements Research Support and Joseph Betz presented two posters.
  • International Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP) Planning Group Meeting
    June 29, 2015
    Christopher Sempos gave talks titled Vitamin D Standardization at the Crossroads and VDSP Performance Measures: Definitions and Implications for Standardization.
  • United Mitochondrial Diseases Foundation Medicine Symposium
    June 19, 2015
    Kathryn Camp gave a presentation titled Outcomes from the December NIH Workshop: Nutritional Interventions in Primary Mitochondrial Disorders.
  • Institute of Medicine
    June 18, 2015
    Paul Coates was a moderator at the IOM Forum on Nutrition and Toxicology.
  • Association of International Food and Nutrition
    June 8, 2015
    Paul Coates gave a talk titled Challenges and Resources in Dietary Supplement Research.
  • Japan Vitamin Society
    June 6, 2015
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Challenges and Resources in Dietary Supplement Research.
  • New York Mid Atlantic Consortium for Genetic and Newborn Screening Services Summit 
    May 29, 2015
    Kathryn Camp gave a talk titled PKU and Medical Foods.  
  • Cornell University
    April 13, 2015
    Paul Coates gave a talk to the Division of Nutritional Sciences titled (How) Can You Incorporate Evidence into Policy for Nutrition and Dietary Supplements?
  • George Mason University
    April 13, 2015
    Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements: A 2-Hour Dose.
  • Experimental Biology 2015
    March 28 – April 1, 2015
    On March 28, Johanna Dwyer chaired a session titled Creating the Future of Evidence-Based Nutrition Recommendations Using Lipid Research Case Studies, and Cindy Davis chaired the Graduate Student Research Award Competition. On March 30, Reagan Bailey, Leila Saldanha, Dr. Dwyer, Richard Bailen, Joseph Betz, and Rebecca Costello participated in a minisymposium titled Nutritional Epidemiology: Research with Dietary Supplements and Bioactive Components. On March 31, Dr. Bailey gave a talk titled Racial Differences and the Impact of Nutrition in Osteoporosis, CVD, and Chronic Kidney Disease; Dr. Dwyer gave a presentation titled How the DRIs Have Changed Nutrition Policies. On April 1, Barbara Sorkin co-chaired a symposium titled What’s New in Natural Products Analysis? Cutting-Edge Methods and Available Resources for Nutrition Research.
  • Philadelphia College of Physicians
    March 27, 2015
    Paul Thomas gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements: Research, Decisions, and Choices for the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior and the Philadelphia College of Physicians.
  • Johns Hopkins University
    March 20, 2015
    Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements and Chronic Disease Prevention.
  • Texas A&M University
    March 9, 2015
    Barbara Sorkin gave a presentation titled Botanical Dietary Supplements Research Challenges: NIH Updates, and a talk titled The Polyphenol Puzzle.
  • Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
    March 4, 2015
    Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Evidence-Based Approaches to Herbal and Dietary Supplements.
  • The John Milner Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Research Practicum
    March 2–6, 2015
    On Mar 2, Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Polyphenols and Cancer Prevention and Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention. On March 6, Kathryn Camp gave a talk titled Nutrigenomics: Ethics, Social, and Public Health Issues.
  • International Life Sciences Institute Annual Meetingexternal link disclaimer
    January 16–21, 2015
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Human Microbiome Research: Past, Present and Future.
  • Scripps 12th Annual Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based Update Conferenceexternal link disclaimer
    January 16–18, 2015
    Joseph Betz gave a talk titled Clinically Tested Dietary Supplements and presented two ODS-authored posters.


  • NIH Nutritional Interventions in Primary Mitochondrial Disorders: Developing an Evidence Base Workshop
    December 2–3, 2014
    On Dec. 2 Kathryn Camp and Paul Coates gave a welcome an introductions and Ms. Camp gave a presentatin tited The Ketogenic Diet.
  • Food Fortification Forum
    November 7, 2014
    Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation on food fortification.
  • Gerontological Society of America 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting
    November 5–9, 2014
    Regan Bailey co-presented a talk titled Defining Healthy Aging: From Science to Practice—The Link to Diet and Nutrition on November 5.
  • Protective Nutrients and Plant Constituents in Health and Disease Conference
    October 30–31, 2014
    Cindy Davis presented Frontiers in Nutrigenomics and Cancer Prevention and Nutrition and Cancer Prevention at the University of Surrey.
  • Towson University
    October 27, 2014
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled Vitamin D and Cancer: What We Know and Do Not Know.
  • Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo
    October 18–21, 2014
    Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Probiotics: What is Their Impact on the Microbiome, Nutrition and Health? on October 22; Kathryn Camp moderated a session titled Dietary Supplements: Choosing Safe, Effective and High-Quality Products on October 21; and Paul Thomas gave a presentation titled Efficacy, Safety, Value & Science on October 21.
  • 2014 Shanghai International Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine
    October 16–17, 2014
    Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Orthogonal Methods for Identity: Classical Pharmacognosy Coupled with Instrumental Analysis on October 17.
  • International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
    September 7, 2014
    Regan Bailey gave an invited talk titled The Epidemiology of Global Micronutrient Deficiency at the Nestle Nutrition Institute Roundtable on Health Economics held in conjunction with the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research.
  • 6th Asian Congress of Dietetics
    August 21–24, 2014
    Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Flavonoids and Health: What’s New, What’s Next on August 22 and presented Dietitians Have Much to Offer, Research, and Publish! on August 23.
  • National Taiwan University
    August 19, 2014
    Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation co-sponsored by ILSI Taiwan titled Update on Labeling.
  • 2014 American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) Annual Meeting & the 14th Annual International Conference on the Science of Botanicals (ICSB)
    August 2–6, 2014
    Barbara Sorkin chaired the Botanical Research Centers Symposium on August 3.
  • California Walnut Commission
    July 29, 2014
    Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation on dietary standards.
  • 22nd International Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
    June 22–26, 2014
    On June 25, Christopher Sempos gave a presentation titled Ensuring Comparable Vitamin D Measurements with Different Assays.
  • IFT 2014
    June 21–24, 2014
    Johanna Dwyer presented the lecture Processing: Still a Four Letter Word? and gave a talk titled Micronutrient Intakes in US Diets: Fortification’s Contributions, Challenges, and Next Steps.
  • John A. Milner Memorial Symposium: Our Food Our Health
    June 12, 2014
    Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Mysteries of Plant Foods: Flavonoids as a Case Study.
  • Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
    June 3–6, 2014
    Presentations on June 3: Regan Bailey, Welcome, Overview, and Setting the Stage. Joseph Betz, Analytical Methods, Quality Assurance, and Reference Standards. Christine Taylor, Safety: The Concept, Its Measurement, and Reporting. Presentations on June 4: Johanna Dwyer, Motivations for Dietary Supplement Use. Barbara Sorkin, Challenges in Research on Botanical Dietary Supplements. Carol Haggans, Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss. Paul Coates, Systematic Reviews for Dietary Supplements and Other Nutrition Topics. Christopher Sempos, Research Design Issues With Dietary Supplements. Kathryn Camp, Nutrigenomics, Genetic Tests, and Personalized Nutrition. Presentations on June 5: Christine Swanson, Case Study: Iodine. Joyce Merkel, Special Presentation: Dietary Supplement Databases. Presentations on June 6: Cindy Davis, Case Study: Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Paul Thomas, Analysis of the Evidence.
  • 38th National Nutrient Databank Conference: Food Composition Data: Bridging the Gaps
    May 14–17, 2014
    Leila Saldanha gave a talk titled Challenges in Estimating Intakes from Non-daily Value Ingredients in Dietary Supplements (DS) Using Label Information: Case Study Energy Products. She also gave a presentation titled Demonstration of The Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD).
  • 3rd International Vitamin Conference
    May 12–15, 2014
    On May 13, Christine Taylor gave a presentation titled Vitamin D Intake: Taking into Account 25-Hydroxyviatmin D in Foods. On May 15, Christopher Sempos gave a talk titled Standardizing Vitamin D Assays: The Way Forward and Johanna Dwyer chaired a session on Fortification and gave a talk on Fortification Possibilities.
  • Experimental Biology 2014
    April 26–30, 2014
    On April 26, Johanna Dwyer co-chaired a symposium titled Fortification and Health: Opportunities and Challenges, Christine Taylor gave a presentation titled U.S. experiences in food fortification, and Regan Bailey gave a talk titled The impact of fortification in the U.S. diet: A case study in children. Dr. Dwyer moderated a panel titled Moving forward responsibly; Barbara Sorkin and Paul Coates co-chaired a symposium titled Energy Drinks: Current Knowledge and Critical Research Gaps; and Cindy Davis chaired the Graduate Student Research Award Competition. On April 27, Dr. Bailey chaired the symposium Not Everything That Counts Can Be Counted and Not Everything That Can Be Counted Counts: How Should We Collect Dietary Data for Research? Elizabeth Yetley gave a talk titled Importance of dietary data in setting national policy. Drs. Dwyer and Bailey and Leila Saldanha presented a poster titled When a dietary supplement product name says “energy,” what’s in the bottle? On April 28, Dr. Davis co-chaired a symposium, The Future of Nutrition Research at NIH, and gave a talk titled Nutrition funding at ODS. Drs. Bailey and Coates co-chaired a minisymposium titled Nutrition Epidemiology: Dietary Supplements and Bioactives. Dr. Bailey co-presented a talk titled Comparison of dietary supplement intake reporting between the Automated Self-Administered 24-Hour Recall (ASA24) and Automated Multiple Pass Method (AMPM) recalls; Dr. Dwyer co-presented a talk titled Flavonoid intakes by adults in the United States: What We Eat in America, NHANES 2007–2008; and Drs. Dwyer, Bailey, and Saldanha gave a presentation titled Botanical initiative for the Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database: GreenTea Pilot Study. Dr. Bailey co-presented a talk titled Homocysteine and bone mineral density in older females in the United States. Karen Regan presented a poster, Dietary supplement research portfolio at the NIH, and Dr. Saldanha presented a poster, Over-the-counter prenatal multivitamin/mineral products: Chemical analysis for the Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database. On April 29, Dr. Bailey gave a presentation titled Road map to government. Dr. Davis gave the introduction to a symposium titled Research Advances and Considerations for Investigating the Human Diet, Nutrient Utilization, and Microbiota Interface Across the Life Course. Drs. Bailey and Dwyer co-presented a talk titled Multivitamin-mineral use and cardiovascular disease mortality in the United States. Dr. Dwyer co-presented a talk titled Food sources of flavonoids for adults in the United States: What We Eat in America, NHANES 2007–2008. On April 30, Dr. Davis presented a poster, Profiling cocoa-derived flavanols and their metabolites in serum, urine, liver, and intestinal contents of pigs fed flavanol-enriched cocoa powder.
  • Fifth Genetic Metabolic Dietitians International Education Conference
    April 24–26, 2014
    Kathryn Camp gave a presentation titled What’s New in Genomics: Nutritional Genomics.
  • ODS Iodine Workshop #1
    April 22, 2014
    Elizabeth Yetley gave a talk titled FDA Fortification Studies.
  • 13th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals
    April 15, 2014
    Joseph Betz gave a presentation title the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements: A Twenty-year Retrospective
  • George Mason University
    April 7, 2014
    Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements: A 1-Hour Dose.
  • National Nutrition Month Mini-Symposium
    March 28, 2014
    Cindy Davis gave a presentation titled the Human Microbiome, Diet, and Health at the NIH Division of Nutrition Research Coordination symposium.
  • International Congress of Obesity
    March 22, 2014
    Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation titled Nutrition Requirements of Active Adults at the Symposium on Active Living Satellite Conference. Dr. Dwyer also gave a talk to the Singapore Dietetic Association titled Dietary Recommendations Update.
  • John A Milner Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Research Practicum
    March 17–21, 2014
    Kathryn Camp gave a talk titled Nutrigenomics: Ethics, Social, and Public Health Issues.
  • Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Research Practicum, National Cancer Institute
    March 15–19, 2014
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Evidence-based Reviews for Nutrition Topics: The ODS Experience  on March 17. Cindy Davis gave talks titled Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention and Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fish and Cancer Prevention on March 19.
  • Campus BioMedico Workshop on Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease
    March 13, 2014
    Elizabeth Yetley gave a presentation titled Assessing Omega-3 Fatty Acid Status of Populations.
  • University of Nebraska
    March 5, 2014
    Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Diet, Supplements and the Microbiome:  The Cancer Connection
  • Texas A&M University
    February 24, 2014
    Barbara Sorkin gave a Nutrition Graduate Seminar Series presentation titled Challenges in Advancing Research on Botanical Dietary Supplements.
  • U.S. Pharmacopeia
    February 21, 2014
    Kathryn Camp gave a talk titled Medical Foods.
  • Scripps 11th Annual Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based Update Conferenceexternal link disclaimer
    January 29 – February 1, 2014
    Rebecca Costello co–presented a talk titled Point of Care Resources and Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Practicalities of Performing Research: From Funding to Methodology.


  • Advances and Controversies in Clinical Nutrition.
    December 5–7, 2013
    Johanna Dwyer presented the opening session titled The Changing Paradigm: A History of Dietary Guidance and Recommendations in the U.S. on December 6. This meeting was sponsored by the American Society for Nutrition. 
  • Johns Hopkins University
    December 3, 2013
    Regan Bailey presented Micronutrients in Food and Supplements: How Good is our US Diet? at a Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Discovery of Vitamins Symposium.
  • Vitamin D Standardization Program
    November 14–15, 2013
    Paul Coates presented the Welcome. Christopher Sempos gave presentations titled VDSP Overview and VDSP So Far and Plans for the Future. He also served on a VDSP panel. This meeting was co-sponsored by ODS.
  • George Washington University School of Public Health
    November 6, 2013
    Paul Thomas gave a lecture titled Dietary Supplements: Who, What, Why, and How Do We Know? to a graduate class in nutritional  epidemiology. 
  • Ohio State University
    November 1, 2013
    Kathryn Camp presented a nutritional genomics Webinar talk titled Nutrigenomics, Genetic Tests, and Personalized Nutrition.
  • Micronutrient Supplement Summit: What Should Health Professionals Recommend and How Should They Decide?
    October 26, 2013
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Vulnerable Groups, Shortfall Nutrients, and Micronutrient Basics.
  • International Conference on Polyphenols and Health
    October 16–19, 2013
    On October 18, Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Cranberries, Flavonoids, and Heart Disease.
  • Council for Responsible Nutrition’s Annual Symposium for the Dietary Supplement Industry
    September 18–21, 2013
    On September 19, Regan Bailey gave a key note address titled Are We Formulating Our Supplements Correctly?
  • 10th International Symposium on Selenium in Biology and Medicine 2013 external link disclaimer
    September 14–18, 2013
    On September 17, Cindy Davis chaired the session on Selenium and Human Health III and gave a presentation titled Role of Sep15 Knockdown in Animal Models of Colon Cancer.
  • 9th International Conference on Homocysteine and One-Carbon Metabolism
    September 8–12, 2013
    On September 10, Regan Bailey gave a presentation titled Homocysteine and Bone Mineral Density in Older Females in the United States.
  • 12th Meeting of Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine
    August 26–29, 2013
    On August 27, Paul Coates was the invited opening speaker and also chaired the Interregional Collaborations in Industry and Academia session.
  • 2013 AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition
    August 25–28, 2013
    On August 26, Christopher Sempos gave a talk on the Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP).
  • The Use and Biology of Energy Drinks: Current Knowledge and Critical Gaps
    August 15–16, 2013
    ODS co-sponsored this workshop. On August 15, Paul Coates and Barbara Sorkin presented the Welcome and Introduction: Goals and Objectives, and Regan Bailey gave a talk titled Caffeine in Energy Drinks and Dietary Supplements in the US.
  • Workshop on Potential Health Hazards Associated with Consumption of Caffeine in Food and Dietary Supplements
    August 5–6, 2013
    On August 6, Regan Bailey participated in the Panel Discussion on Data Gaps and Future Research.
  • American Association of Clinical Chemists (AACC) Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo
    July 28 – August 1, 2013
    On July 30, Christopher Sempos presented a symposia talk, Measurement and Standardization of Vitamin D Metabolites using LC-Mass Spectrometry. On July 29, Dr. Sempos co-presented a workshop, Vitamin D: Next Steps in Standardization & Proficiency Testing.
  • 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy
    July 13–17, 2013
    On July 15, Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Nature Exposed to Our Method of Questioning: Reliability of Natural Product Measurements. Dr. Betz, Leila Saldanha, Barbara Sorkin, and Paul Coates co-authored and presented a poster, Tools for Assuring Data Quality in Natural Products Studies: The NIH/ODS Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program (AMRM).
  • National Science Foundation Summer Interns Workshop
    July 9, 2013
    Mary Garcia-Cazarin gave a presentation titled Mentoring and Networking Strategies to Establish Your Professional Network.
  • 14th Abbott Nutrition Metabolic Conference
    June 27–29, 2013
    On June 28, Kathryn Camp moderated and presented Grant Writing and Research Applications for Metabolic Dietitians Interactive Workshop.
  • Science & Technology Policy Fellowships meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
    June 27, 2013
    Mary Garcia-Cazarin presented Dietary Supplements and My Experience as an AAAS Fellow.
  • United States Pharmacopeia
    June 27, 2013
    Paul Coates gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Research: Challenges and Resources.
  • International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Conference and Expoexternal link disclaimer
    June 14–15, 2013
    On June 14, Carol Haggans presented Dietary Supplements and the NIH: Research and Resources.
  • United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Mitochondrial Medicine 2013 Scientific Meetings
    June 12–15, 2013
    On June 15, Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Using Dietary Supplements as Treatments for Mitochondrial Disorders: Clinical and Research Challenges.
  • National Advisory Council on Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s 49th Meeting
    June 7, 2013
    Paul Coates and Barbara Sorkin gave a presentation titled Update on Botanical Research Working Group and Concept Clearance.
  • Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
    June 4–7, 2013
    Presentations on June 4: Regan Bailey, Welcome, overview, and setting the stage. Christine Taylor, Safety: the concept, its measurement, and reporting. Presentations on June 5: Johanna Dwyer, Motivations for Dietary Supplement Use. Barbara Sorkin, Case study: challenges in research on botanical dietary supplements. Carol Haggans, Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss. Paul Coates, The different types of studies and what they tell us. Christopher Sempos, Research design issues with dietary supplements. Kathryn Camp, Nutrigenomics, genetic tests, and personalized nutrition. Presentations on June 6: Christine Swanson, Case study: iodine. Joyce Merkel, Special presentation: dietary supplement databases. Presentations on June 7: Cindy Davis, Case study: omega-3 fatty acids. Paul Thomas, Analysis of the evidence.
  • International Life Sciences Institute Graduate Student Summit 2013
    May 23, 2013
    Paul Coates and Christine Taylor presented Dietary Supplement Research - A brief History of (Dietary Supplement) Time. Dr. Swanson also gave presentations titled Translating Science to Policy–The Vitamin D Story and Clarify the Vitamin D Story.
  • Delaware Dietetic Association Annual Meeting
    May 10, 2013
    Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements: The Makers, the Takers, and the Science.
  • 37th National Nutrient Databank Conference
    April 19, 2013
    Johanna Dwyer and Leila Saldanha participated in a presentation titled Dietary Supplement Label Database for Research.
  • American Society for Nutrition Symposium
    April 19–24, 2013
    On April 21, Christine Swanson gave a presentation titled Iodine Insufficiency: A Global Health Problem?
  • Experimental Biology 2013
    April 19–23, 2013
    On April 20, Cindy Davis chaired the Graduate Student Research Award Competition.

    On April 21, Christine Swanson co-chaired and introduced the ODS-sponsored minisymposium Iodine Insufficiency: A Global Health Problem? Johanna Dwyer presented a talk titled Flavonoids as a Case Study, and Robert Russell moderated the panel presentation Where to Now? A Panel Discussion in a symposium titled Are Dietary Bioactives Ready for Review for Recommended Intakes? Joahnna Dwyer co-presented two talks, Intakes of Dietary Flavonoid Sub-Classes and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes and U.S. Adults and Adherence to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Regan Bailey co-presented a poster Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) and Hyperglycemia in US Adults: NHANES 2003-06 and 2007-10.

    On April 22, Johanna Dwyer and Regan Bailey co-presented a talk Modeling the Impact of Revisions to DV Assuming That Current %DV in Fortified Foods Are MaintainedRegan Bailey co-chaired two minisymposiums, Dietary Assessment Tools and Applications and Research with Dietary Supplements and Bioactive ComponentsJohanna DwyerRegan BaileyJoseph BetzRebecca Costello and Leila Saldanha co-presented a talk titled Progress in the Development of Federal Resources to Assess Dietary Supplement (DS) ExposuresRegan Bailey and Johanna Dwyer participated in a presentation titled  Dietary Supplement Use Among Older Adults in the United States, NHANES 2007-2010Regan BaileyPaul Thomas, and Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Why Children Use Dietary SupplementsBarbara SorkinJohanna DwyerChristopher Sempos and Regan Bailey co-presented a talk titled Parent and Child Use of Dietary Supplements Are Associated; and Johanna DwyerRegan BaileyJoseph BetzRebecca Costello, and Leila Saldanha co-presented a talk titled Chemical Analysis of Omega-3 (n-3) Fatty Acid Supplements for the Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID)Regan Bailey co-presented a talk titled The Association between Diet Quality, BMI and Health-Related Quality of Life in the Geisinger Rural Aging StudyLeila SaldanhaJohanna DwyerRichard BailenRegan BaileyJoseph Betz, and Rebecca Costello co-presented a poster Dietary Supplement Label Database (DSLD) Will Capture Information from Dietary Supplement (DS) Labels; and Rebecca CostelloJohanna Dwyer, and Regan Bailey co-presented a poster Use of Highly Fortified Foods Among US Adults.
  • Experimental Biology 2013 (continued)
    April 19–23, 2013
    On April 23, Regan Bailey co-chaired the Advancing Nutritional Epidemiology with Public and Commercial Data Sets minisymposium, and co-presented with Christopher Sempos, and Elizabeth Yetley a talk Modeling an MMA-derived Inflection Point for Serum Vitamin B12 (SB12) in the USJohanna Dwyer co-presented a talk Association of Serum 25OHD with Race/Ethnicity and Quantitative Measures of Skin Color in Urban SchoolchildrenRebecca Costello co-presented a poster Dietary Supplement Education for the Military: An Education Module for Healthcare Providers, and Leila Saldanha, Joseph Betz, Barbara Sorkin and Paul Coates co-presented a poster NIH/ODS Analytical Methods and Reference Materials (AMRM) Program.
  • Indiana Dietetic Association Annual Meeting
    April 18, 2013
    Kathy Camp gave a talk titled Nutritional Genomics: Current Controversies and Application to Dietetic Practice.
  • University of Massachusetts-Amherst 25th Annual Virginia A. Beal Lecture
    April 18, 2013
    Cindy Davis presented the lecture Diet, Supplements and the Microbiome: The Cancer Connection.
  • 12th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals
    April 15–18, 2013
    Joseph Betz served on the organizing committee and chaired the session Advances in Instrumentation and Separation Technologies. Barbara Sorkin spoke on the NIH Botanical Research Centers Program.
  • Grocery Manufacturers Association Science Forum 2013
    April 3, 2013
    Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Fortification Has Positive Affect on US Diets.
  • University of Illinois at Chicago Norman R. Farnsworth Lectureship in Pharmacognosy
    March 22, 2013
    Paul Coates presented the inaugural lecture.  
  • American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Annual Meeting
    March 19–23, 2013
    Kathy Camp and Paul Coates co-presented the poster Select National Institutes of Health Research Activities for Newborn Screening Disorders: Creating the Evidence-base for Past and Future Treatments.
  • American Herbal Products Association Joint Meeting: Botanical Raw Materials, Standards, and Analytical Labs Committees
    March 8, 2013
    Joe Betz spoke on the ODS Dietary Supplements Analytical Methods and Reference Materials (AMRM) Program.
  • Department of Justice Consumer Protection Summit
    March 8, 2013
    Paul Coates was a member of the Panel on Dietary Supplements.
  • Critical Regulatory and Compliance Issues with the US FDA in the 21st Century, USP WCDG & AOAC-SCS Joint Two-Day Regulatory & Compliance Conference
    March 7–8, 2013
    On March 7, Joe Betz presented Update on NIH’s Activities in the Area of Dietary Supplements.
  • NIH Rare Diseases Day 2013
    March 1, 2013
    Kathy Camp presented the talk Nutrition and Dietary Supplement Interventions and Rare Diseases.
  • Georgetown University Medical School
    February 25, 2013
    Joe Betz presented a lecture titled Pharmacognosy.
  • NIH STEP (Staff Training in Extramural Programs) Forum
    February 7, 2013
    Cindy Davis presented Vitamin D and Cancer: What We Know and Do Not Know and Christine Taylor presented State of Play for Vitamin D Recommendations.
  • Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine’s 10th Anniversary Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based Updateexternal link disclaimer
    January 30 – February 2, 2013
    On February 1, Rebecca Costello co-presented with Paula Gardiner on Point of Care Resources, and Joe Betz co-presented with Jay Udani on Clinical Trials: Preparing and Evaluating the Methodology?
  • National Center for Health Statistics, Division of Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys Seminar Series
    January 9, 2013
    Regan Bailey gave an invited talk The Use of Dietary Supplement in the United States.


  • CDC Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Seminar Series
    December 18, 2012
    Chris Sempos gave two presentations, Diet-Heart and Nutritional Epidemiology: Lessons not Learned and The Vitamin D Standardization Program: An International Effort to Standardize the Laboratory Measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D
  • Chinese Delegation visit to the United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
    December 11, 2012
    Paul Coates and Joe Betz co-presented Dietary Supplement Research at the NIH.
  • Harvard Medical School
    December 10, 2012
    Cindy Davis presented an invited seminar titled ’Omics’, Nutrition and Cancer Prevention.
  • Georgetown University Medical School
    November 14, 2012
    Joe Betz presented a lecture titled Pharmacognosy.
  • University of Nebraska – Lincoln
    November 14, 2012
    Paul Coates presented Dietary Supplement Research Isn’t That Hard – Or Is It?
  • 2012 International Aloe Summit - Turning Science into Sales
    November 9, 2012
    Joe Betz presented Botanical Identity Methods
  • Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA)
    November 9, 2012
    Paul Coates presented The Evolving Role of ODS in Dietary Supplement Research.
  • Protective Nutrients and Plant Constituents in Health and Disease Conference
    November 8–9, 2012
    Cindy Davis gave two invited lectures, on November 8, Frontiers in Nutrigenomics and Cancer Prevention and on November 9, Nutrition and Cancer Prevention.
  • The Pennsylvania State University Department of Nutritional Sciences Colloquium (Seminar) Series
    October 22, 2012
    Regan Bailey gave the talk, Monitoring Folate and B-12 Status in the United States, October.
  • 2012 Shanghai International Conference on Tradition Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine
    October 20–21, 2012
    On October 20 Joe Betz presented Tools for Assuring Data Quality: The ODS/NIH Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program.
  • Workshop on Vitamin D
    October 19–20, 2012
    On October 19, Paul Coates and Rob Russell made conference introductory remarks, and Elizabeth Yetley presented Assessing Vitamin D Status: Measurement Challenges.  On October 20, Christine Taylor presented Vitamin D: How Much is Too Much?
  • Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of International Health, Program in Human Nutrition, Nutrition Seminar Series
    October 18, 2012
    Regan Bailey gave a presentation titled Prevalence, Predictors, and Motivations for Use of Dietary Supplements in the United States.
  • Jean Mayer U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University Conference on Nutrition and Exercise in the Management of Outpatients: Important Advances You Need to Know
    October 11–12, 2012
    On October 12, Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Vitamin Supplements: Worthwhile or Worthless?
  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo
    October 7–9, 2012
    On October 8, Johanna Dwyer and Joe Betz gave a presentation titled The Science behind Dietary Supplements: Examining Safety and Benefits. On October 9, Jody Engel presented MyDS Mobile App: From Concept to the App Store and Beyond as part of the session titled Confused about Nutrition and Technology? Don’t Worry. Be Appy and Kathryn Camp presented Successful Research Grant Writing: Open Discussion.
  • AOAC Annual Meeting & Exposition
    September 30 – October 3, 2012
    Joe Betz presented the talk, Good Practices for Establishing Meaningful Specifications for Botanicals in Dietary Supplements and Nutrition: Scientific Perspective and the poster, The NIH/ODS Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program: Accomplishments and Future Directions.
  • The Vitamin B-12 Congress
    September 20–22, 2012
    On September 20, Regan Bailey presented “Modeling an MMA-derived inflection point for serum vitamin B-12 in the US.
  • Fifth International Scientific Symposium on Tea & Human Health
    September 19, 2012
    Johanna Dwyer presented Flavonoids: Where We Are and Where We Need To Go—Foods, Databases and Labels.
  • Science & Standards Symposium: Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements–Global Opportunities and Challenges
    September 18–20, 2012
    Paul Coates was a keynote speaker at the symposium opening general session on September 18 and on September 19, Joe Betz gave the talk Orthogonal Methods for Identity: Classical Pharmacognosy Coupled with Instrumental Analysis.
  • American Society for Quality, Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Division, 23rd West Coast Conference
    September 14 – April 18, 2013
    Joe Betz gave the talk, Resources for Dietary Supplement QA Professionals: The ODS Analytical Methods & Reference Materials Program.
  • Sodexo Clinical Nutrition Update, Mid-Atlantic
    September 12, 2012
    Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Vitamin D and Calcium: New Recommendations and Issues of Deficiency, Adequacy, Excess, Benefits, and Risks.
  • 16th Annual International Congress of Dietetics
    September 5–8, 2012
    Johanna Dwyer gave two talks, the first on September 5, The Balancing Act in Professional Commitments, and on September 7, Nutrients, Dietary Supplements, Foods, and Dietary Patterns.
  • Meals on Wheels/Association on Aging (MOWAA) Annual Conference and Common Goods Expo
    August 22–24, 2012
    On August 23, Robert Russell presented Understanding Variability in Responses to Diet and Food  as a part of the Panel: Perspectives on Nutrition. Connecting Food, Health and the Future.
  • FASEB Summer Research Conference on Folate, B-12, and One Carbon Metabolism
    July 22–27, 2012
    On July 24, Regan Bailey presented the talk Impact and Measurement of Unmetabolized Folic Acid in Fortified Populations.
  • FASEB Summer Research Conference on Folate, B-12, and One Carbon Metabolism
    July 22–27, 2012
    On July 24, Regan Bailey presented the talk Impact and Measurement of Unmetabolized Folic Acid in fortified Populations.
  • Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
    June 4–7, 2012
    Presentations on June 4: Paul Thomas, Dietary supplements: overview and setting the stage. Regan Bailey, Measuring dietary supplement use. Johanna Dwyer, Motivations for dietary supplement use. Christine Taylor, Safety: the concept, its measurement, and reporting. Barbara Sorkin, Challenges in advancing research on botanical dietary supplements. Presentations on June 5: Joseph Betz, Assisting the regulators: analytical methods, quality assurance, and reference standards. Presentations on June 6: Christopher Sempos, Research-design issues with epidemiological studies on dietary supplements. Rob Russell, Conducting a clinical trial with dietary supplements. Joyce Merkel, Dietary supplement databases. Presentations on June 7: Cindy Davis, Case study: omega-3 fatty acids. Kathryn Camp, Nutrigenomics, genetic tests, and personalized nutrition.
  • United States Pharmacopeia Workshop on Identity and Characterization of a Probiotic Microorganism used as a Food Ingredient: Importance to Safety and Efficacy
    May 9, 2012
    Cindy Davis was an invited speaker on Probiotics & Health:  How Strong is the Evidence?  What are the Gaps?
  • 2012 Patient and Family Educational LAMPosium
    April 21, 2012
    Kathryn Camp gave a talk titled Nutrition and Dietary Supplements:  Back to Basics.
  • Experimental Biology 2012
    April 21–24, 2012
    On April 21, Christopher Sempos co-presented a talk on the Vitamin D Standardization Program. On April 22, Paul Coates gave a talk titled Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D: Justification for a Review of the 1997 Values; Cindy Davis co-chaired a minisymposium titled Obesity, Inflammation, and Chronic Disease Modulation by Dietary Phytonutrients; and Reagan Bailey and Johanna Dwyer co-presented a poster titled Epidemiologic Associations Between Dietary Bioactive Components and Health. On April 23, Christine Swanson and Dr. Davis chaired a symposium titled Communication Techniques of Effective Speakers; Leila Saldanha, Dr. Dwyer, Dr. Bailey, and Joseph Betz participated in a talk titled Identifying Nonvitamin and Mineral Bioactive Ingredients for Inclusion in Dietary Supplement Composition Databases; Dr. Davis co-presented a talk titled Independent Downregulation of Sep15 and TR1, but Not Deficiency in Both Genes, Affects Cancer Phenotypes of Mouse Colon Carcinoma Cells; Drs. Dwyer, Bailey, Saldanha, and Betz co-presented a talk titled Progress in Development of Dietary Supplement Composition and Label Databases for Research; and Drs. Dwyer, Bailey, and Sempos co-presented a talk titled Dietary Supplement Use in Children <18 Years in the 2007 National Health Interview Survey. On April 24, Robert Russell co-chaired a symposium titled The Future of Nutrition Research; Dr. Saldanha co-chaired a minisymposium titled Micronutrient Bioavailability; Dr. Bailey co-chaired a minisymposium titled Dietary Supplements as a Population Exposure in Causation, Prevention, and Management of Disease; Drs. Coates and Bailey gave a talk titled Making Sense of Dietary Supplement Research and a Framework for the Future; Drs. Dwyer, Bailey, and Saldanha co-presented a talk titled Release 2 of the U.S. Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database: Research Protocols and Ingredient Estimates for Children's and Adult Multivitamins; and Rebecca Costello, Cindy Lentino, Dr. Saldanha, and Dr. Sempos gave a talk titled Review of Select Dietary Supplement Interventions for Endothelial Dysfunction. ODS also had an exhibit at this conference.                                   
  • Virginia Dietetic Association Annual Meeting
    March 27, 2012
    Kathryn Camp gave a talk titled Nutritional Genomics:  Current Controversies and Applications to Dietetics’ Practice. Paul Thomas gave a presentation titled Vitamin & Mineral Supplements: Evidence-Based Practice, Controversies, and Unknowns.
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
    March 26, 2012
    Christopher Sempos presented the Philip M. Farrell Population Health Distinguished Alumni Lecture titled Diet Heart and Nutritional Epidemiology. Lessons not Learned.
  • Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Research Practicum
    March 12–16, 2012
    Cindy Davis gave a talk titled Diet and the Microbiome on March 12. Regan Bailey gave a talk titled Folate and Cancer Prevention on March 14. Paul Coates gave a talk titled The Role of Evidence-Based Reviews for Nutrition Topics: The ODS Experience; Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled Dietary Supplement Databases; and Kathryn Camp gave a talk titled Nutrigenomics, Ethics, Social, and Public Health Issues on March 16 at the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health.
  • Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine 9th Annual Natural Supplements Conference: An Evidence-Based Update
    January 19–22, 2012
    Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Reviewing the Research and Literature: The Best of the Year and Rebecca Costello gave a presentation titled Office of Dietary Supplement Research Centers: Supplement Use in the Military on January 20. Dr. Costello co-presented a workshop titled Dietary Supplements at the Point of Care Resources on January 21. ODS also had an exhibit at this conference.


  • Tufts University
    December 5, 2011
    Cindy Davis gave a departmental seminar titled Gastrointestinal Microflora, Bioactive Food Components and Cancer Prevention.
  • Dietetic Interns Joint Class Day, NIH
    November 14, 2011
    Jody Engel gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements: What Registered Dietitians Need to Know to the Washington, D.C. area dietetic interns.
  • 8th Workshop on the Assessment of Adequate and Safe Intake of Dietary Amino Acids
    November 10, 2011
    Rob Russell will give a presentation titled Key events dose-response framework (KEDRF) and its application to nutrients: update on Vitamin A and progress reports on other nutrient case studies.
  • University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
    November 1, 2011
    Kathryn Camp gave a presentation at the School of Health Related Professionals Department of Nutritional Sciences 35th Anniversary Seminar titled Nutritional Genomics: Controversies and Application to Dietetic Practice.
  • University of Mississippi Medical Center
    October 19, 2011
    Christopher Sempos presented a physiology seminar titled Serum total 25-hydroxyvitamin D and Death from All-Causes.
  • National Institute on Aging
    October 18, 2011
    Joseph Betz gave a seminar as a Distinguished Lecturer in Neuroscience and Aging titled Scientific and Regulatory Challenges to Biomedical Research on Dietary Supplements.
  • Medical Staff Education Day
    October 14, 2011
    Paul Thomas gave a presentation at Chambersburg Hospital titled Herbs & Other Dietary Supplements.
  • Supply Side West
    October 10–14, 2011
    Joseph M. Betz moderated the presentation The Integrity of Botanicals and Reference Materials. Leila G. Saldanha moderated The Role of Genetic Variability in Determining the Metabolism and Impact of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid found in Western Diets and Dietary Supplements—The Emergence of Personalized Nutrition. Both presentations were part of Nutrition Track I of the Supply Side West Education Program, on October 11. ODS also had an exhibit booth at the meeting.
  • American Dietetic Association Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo
    September 24–28, 2011
    Christine Taylor presented an overview of the recent IOM report on vitamin D and calcium at an ODS-sponsored session titled “Spotlight on Vitamin D” on September 26. ODS also had an exhibit booth at this conference.
  • American Dietetic Association House of Delegates Fall Meeting
    September 24, 2011
    Kathryn Camp gave a presentation titled Nutritional Genomics Update.
  • Mobile Applications: Impacts on Agency Operations
    August 31, 2011
    Jody Engel gave a presentation about MyDS, the mobile app developed by the Office of Dietary Supplements, as part of a webinar titled, “Mobile Applications: Impacts on Agency Operations,” sponsored by Government Executive.
  • Consortium for Globalization of Chinese Medicine
    August 26–28, 2011
    Paul Coates gave opening remarks, acted as session chair, and presented a talk titled Current status of regulatory and scientific issues in dietary supplements in the US.
  • Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
    August 25, 2011
    Paul Coates gave a talk titled Issues and resources in dietary supplements.
  • Medicine in the Media
    July 13–16, 2011
    Paul Coates gave a talk titled How about those supplements? on July 15 at Dartmouth College.
  • The NIH Web Authors Group (WAG) Meeting
    June 15, 2011
    Jody Engel gave a talk titled MyDS Mobile App: From Concept to the App Store and Beyond.
  • The Health Data Initiative Forum
    June 9, 2011
    Jody Engel presented a demonstration of the ODS mobile app, MyDS.
  • Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
    June 6–9, 2011
    Presentations on June 6: Paul Thomas, Dietary supplements: overview and setting the stage. Johanna Dwyer, Motivations for dietary supplement use. Christine Taylor, Safety: the concept, its measurement, and reporting. John Cardellina, Identity and quality. Marguerite Klein, Case study: probiotics. Paul Coates, Office of Dietary Supplements: what do we do? Presentations on June 7: Joseph Betz, Assisting the regulators: analytical methods, quality assurance, and reference standards. Presentations on June 8: Christopher Sempos, Research design issues with epidemiological studies on dietary supplements. Rob Russell, Conducting a clinical trial with dietary supplements. Christine Swanson, Standards of reporting dietary supplement research studies. Presentations on June 9: Kathryn Camp, Nutrigenomics, genetic tests, and personalized nutrition. Joyce Merkel, Dietary supplement databases.
  • Clinical Nutrition Update: Recipe for Success
    May 18, 2011
    Jody Engel gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know to registered dietitians at this meeting sponsored by Sodexo Health Care.
  • Maryland Dietetic Association Annual Meeting
    April 29, 2011
    Paul Coates presented Evidence-Based Approaches to Nutrition.
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
    April 18, 2011
    Christopher Sempos gave a presentation titled Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Mortality: Results from the NHANES III Follow-up Study as part of the Department of Population Health Sciences Seminar Series.
  • North Carolina Dietetic Association Annual Meeting
    April 17–19, 2011
    Paul Thomas gave a lecture titled Dietary Supplements: Overview & Update to a group of nutrition professionals on April 19.
  • Experimental Biology
    April 9–13, 2011
    On April 9th, Regan Bailey chaired a session titled Research with Dietary Supplements and gave a presentation in that session titled Changes in the dietary supplement collection system in NHANES 2007-2008: Implications for researchers. On April 10th, Rob Russell chaired a session titled Ameliorating micronutrient deficiencies through biofortification: The science and prospects. On April 11th, Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Application of systematic review methodology to research on bioactives as part of a symposium titled Assessing the Effects of Bioactives in Humans: Establishing the Framework for an Evidence-Based Approach; and Johanna Dwyer gave a presentation titled Excitement at interface: Using nutrition and food science to improve public health in the session titled Is 'Processed' a Four Letter Word? The role of processed foods in achieving dietary guidelines and nutrient recommendations in the U.S. On April 12th, Dr. Coates gave a presentation titled The role of nutrition science in shaping public policy in the Special Session titled Changing Face of Nutrition in the United States: How Nutrition Policy and Consumer Awareness are Changing the Practice of Nutrition and Food Science; Jody Engel participated in the session titled Innovative Dietary Assessment Tools and gave a presentation titled MyDS: A mobile application to track dietary supplement use; and Dr. Bailey gave a talk titled Defining low B12 status in the U.S. in the session titled Applications and Challenges of Public Use Data Sets for Secondary Data Analysis Nutrition Research. ODS also had an exhibit booth during the Experimental Biology conference.
  • Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center
    March 29, 2011
    Kathryn Camp presented an in-service titled Dietary Treatment of Inherited Metabolic Diseases.
  • 2011 Government Web and New Media Conference
    March 17–18, 2011
    Jody Engel participated in the panel presentation, Real Time Mobile: Stories from the Trenches on March 17. She gave a presentation titled MyDS Mobile App: From Concept to the App Store and Beyond.
  • National Institutes of Health
    March 16, 2011
    Paul Thomas gave a talk at the "Focus on You" Wellness Lecture Series titled Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know.
  • University of Maryland
    March 14, 2011
    Jody Engel gave a lecture titled A Snapshot of a Nutrition Career in the Federal Government to senior dietetics students in their Core Capstone course.
  • Genetic Diseases of Children, Advancing Research and Care Conference
    March 8–9, 2011
    Paul Coates chaired and Kathryn Camp participated as a panelist in a session titled Meeting Nutritional Needs on March 8. The conference was sponsored by State of New York Department of Health Wadsworth Center.
  • University of Illinois College of Medicine
    March 8–9, 2011
    Paul Thomas gave a Grand Rounds presentation to medicine residents titled What Sup, Doc? Dietary Supplements and the Physician. He also gave a talk to consumers titled Vitamins and Supplements: What Works & What Doesn't?
  • American Society for Nutrition — Advances and Controversies in Clinical Nutrition
    February 25–27, 2011
    Robert Russell gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements: Who Needs Them and When Are They Needed? and Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Issues in the Use of Herbal Dietary Supplements on February 25. ODS also had an exhibit at this conference.
  • NORD Medical Foods Conference
    February 10, 2011
    Kathryn Camp gave a presentation titled Federal Perspectives on Medical Foods. The conference was sponsored by the National Organization of Rare Disorders.
  • Washington D.C. Health 2.0 STAT Meetup
    February 10, 2011
    Jody Engel gave a presentation titled Don't Worry, Be Appy! for Health 2.0 practitioners.
  • U.S. Department of Commerce
    January 26, 2011
    Jody Engel gave a presentation titled Federal Mobile Apps: Lessons Learned and Best Practices as part of a Federal Mobile Apps Webinar Series sponsored by the National Technical Information Service.
  • Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine 8th Annual Natural Supplements Conference: An Evidence-Based Update
    January 13–16, 2011
    Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Reviewing the Research and Literature: The Best of the Year on January 14. Rebecca Costello co-presented a talk titled Dietary Supplements Resources: Point of Care Answers for the Busy Clinician on January 15. ODS also had an exhibit booth at this conference.
  • USDA National Agricultural Library
    January 10, 2011
    Jody Engel gave a presentation to area dietetic interns titled The Social RD: Why You Should Tweet, Link, and Be Appy!


  • Tufts University
    December 7, 2010
    Christopher Sempos will give a presentation titled Vitamin D, PTH suppression, and mortality as part of the Department of Endocrinology Seminar Series.
  • Morgan State University
    December 1, 2010
    Christopher Sempos gave a lecture titled Vitamin D and All-Causes Mortality – How to do an analysis of prospective data to the PUBH 601 Research Methods 1 class.
  • Future of Reference Materials: Science and Innovation Conferenceexternal link disclaimer
    November 23–25, 2010
    Joseph Betz gave the keynote address titled Reference Materials for Nutrition Research and the Public Health on November 23.
  • Natural Health Research Institute 5th Annual Scientific Symposium "Natural Products – Cost-Effectiveness & Safety of Dietary Supplements"
    November 18, 2010
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Economic Analyses of Nutrient Interventions for Chronic Disease Prevention.
  • Dietetic Interns Joint Class Day, NIH
    November 15, 2010
    Jody Engel gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements: What Registered Dietitians Need to Know to the Washington, D.C. area dietetic interns.
  • International Standardization of 25-hydroxyvitamin D Levels in National Surveys Planning Meeting
    November 15–16, 2010
    Christopher Sempos gave a presentation titled International Effort to Evaluate 25-hydroxyvitamin D Levels in National Surveys on November 15.
  • American Dietetic Association FNCE10 Conference
    November 7, 2010
    Johanna Dwyer, Leila Saldanha, Janet Roseland and Regan Bailey presented a symposium, "Help Me with Dietary Supplements" at the American Dietetic Association's FNCE10 Conference on November 7th, 2010 in Boston.
  • American Dietetic Association's Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo
    November 6–9, 2010
    Kathryn Camp and Dianne Frazier presented The Affordable Genome: Implications and Challenges for Dietary Treatment of Inherited Metabolic Disorders and Multifactorial Chronic Conditions on November 7.
  • National Advisory Council for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
    September 3, 2010
    Marguerite Klein gave a presentation titled Introduction to Soy Protein and Isoflavone Research.
  • 9th Meeting of the Consortium for the Globalization of Chinese Medicine
    August 23–25, 2010
    Paul Coates gave the Opening Remarks, chaired the Regulatory Affairs Session, and was an International Collaborations Session panelist.
  • CDC Public Health Grand Rounds
    August 19, 2010
    Paul Coates gave a talk titled Vitamin D: How Research Informs Public Health Policy.
  • CDC National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media
    August 17–19, 2010
    Jody Engel participated in a panel presentation on New Technological Approaches for Reaching Consumers and Health Professionals on August 19. She gave a presentation titled The Case for Change: Mobile Apps Expand the Universe for Consumer Health Information.
  • 2010 National Conference on Health Statistics
    August 16–18, 2010
    Paul Coates gave a talk titled How Research is Informing Public Health Policy Related to Vitamin D on August 17.
  • Florida Dietetic Association
    July 13, 2010
    Paul Thomas gave a talk titled Before You Swallow: Studying the Efficacy, Safety, and Quality of Dietary Supplements.
  • 34th National Nutrient Databank Conference
    July 12–14, 2010
    Leila Saldanha gave a talk titled Dietary Supplements Indexer: U.S. Adaptation on July 14 at the Special Post-Conference Workshop: Dietary Supplement Description System.
  • Probiotic Foods and Supplements: The Science and Regulations of Labeling
    June 12, 2010
    Marguerite Klein moderated a session titled From Clinical Trials to Market.
  • 7th Annual NHP Research Conference & Tradeshow
    May 23–26, 2010
    Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Pre- and Postmarket Approaches to Adverse Event Investigations on May 24. Marguerite Klein presented Soy Protein and Isoflavone Research: Challenges in Designing and Evaluating Intervention Studies on May 24. ODS had an exhibit booth at this conference.
  • First International Vitamin Conference
    May 19–21, 2010
    Regan Bailey gave a presentation titled Unmetabolized Folic Acid in Older Adults in the United States.
  • SupplySide East
    April 27–28, 2010
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled The ODS Strategic Plan: 2010-2014 on April 28. ODS had an exhibit booth at this conference.
  • Experimental Biology
    April 24–28, 2010
    On April 24, Johanna Dwyer served as a moderator of a day-long session titled, Aging 2010: Challenges and New Opportunities for Intervention in the Clinical Nutrition Problems in the Aged, sponsored by the Medical Nutrition Council of the American Society for Nutrition. On April 25, Christopher Sempos gave a talk titled Adjusting Serum Biomarker of Vitamin D Status for Within-person Variation. Regan Bailey gave a talk titled Unmetabolized Folic Acid in Older Adults in the United States. Dr. Bailey also presented a poster titled Adjusting Serum Biomarkers of Folate Status for Within-person Variation. Karen Andrews, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, presented an update on the ODS-cosponsored Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database titled The Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID): Comparison of Adult and Children’s MVM products. On April 26, Leila Saldanha presented a poster, Quality of Reporting Dietary Supplement Research in Scientific Publications and other Observations. In addition, ODS had an exhibit booth during the Experimental Biology conference.
  • District of Columbia Metropolitan Area Dietetic Association
    April 17, 2010
    Jody Engel gave a presentation titled ODS: Your Reliable Resource on Dietary Supplements.
  • Developments in Botanical Dietary Supplement Research from 1994 to Today
    March 23, 2010
    Paul Coates gave a talk titled Synergism Between ODS and NCCAM. Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Constituents of Botanicals: Accuracy, Precision and Reliability of Chemical Measurement. Christine Swanson moderated a roundtable discussion titled Future Trends.
  • Vitamin D: USA-Germany
    March 22–23, 2010
    Christopher Sempos gave a talk titled Current Intramural Research on Vitamin D at ODS. Dr. Sempos also gave a talk titled Laboratory methods used for assessing 25(OH)D in the NHANES.
  • National Advisory Council for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NIH
    February 5, 2010
    Marguerite Klein gave a talk titled Soy Protein and Isoflavone Research: Challenges in Designing and Evaluating Intervention Studies.
  • Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine 7th Annual Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based Update
    January 21–24, 2010
    Rebecca Costello presented a workshop titled Dietary Supplements Resources: Point of Care Answers for the Busy Clinician on January 23. ODS had an exhibit booth at this conference.


  • Nutrient Biomarkers Analytical Methodology: Vitamin D Workshop
    December 16, 2009
    ODS sponsored a 1-day workshop to evaluate the state of analytical methods for measuring vitamin D status. The intent of this workshop was to develop strategies for resolving inconsistencies between results obtained from quantitative determination of vitamin D in biological materials (such as blood serum) when different measurement techniques are used. The workshop consisted of presentations and discussion sessions on currently available analytical methods and the interpretation of findings. Knowledge gaps were identified and a research agenda for future studies was developed.
  • Brazilian Nutrition Society Annual Meeting
    November 1, 2009
    Johanna Dwyer spoke on Micronutrient Supplements for Preventing Chronic Disease.
  • American Dietetic Association's Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo
    October 17–20, 2009
    Johanna Dwyer moderated a session on Conflict of Interest sponsored by the ADA Foundation and the International Life Sciences Institute. She also moderated a talk titled What Are the Youngest American Children Eating? Findings from the Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (FITS) sponsored by the ADA Foundation and Nestle Nutrition on October 18.
  • 19th International Congress of Nutrition
    October 4–9, 2009
    Robert Russell chaired a session on Antioxidant Defense and Oxidative Damage and gave a talk titled Pitfalls in Conducting Antioxidant Research on October 6.
  • 12th Biological and Environmental Reference Materials Symposium
    July 7–10, 2009
    Paul Coates presented a keynote lecture titled Emerging Needs for Dietary Supplement Standard Reference Materials on July 10.
  • 50th Anniversary Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy
    June 27 – July 1, 2009
    Joseph Betz presented a podium session titled The NIH/ODS Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program for Botanical Dietary Supplements: Five-Year Accomplishments and Future Directions. ODS had an exhibit.
  • Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine
    June 16, 2009
    Robert Russell gave a talk titled DRIs: A Trigger Framework for Revisions.
  • International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods
    June 5–7, 2009
    ODS was a co-sponsor of this conference, a gathering of experts to present, learn about, and develop research ideas to improve the measurement of people's usual dietary intakes and physical activity.
  • American Society of Complex Therapeutics Conference: "From Meadow to Medicine" Developing Complex Therapeutics - A Paradigm Shift
    May 12, 2009
    Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Back to the Future: A Historical and Future Perspective and moderated a panel discussion. This was a satellite meeting of the North American Research Conference on Complementary & Integrative Medicine.
  • Maryland Dietetic Association’s Annual Meeting
    April 24, 2009
    Jody Engel gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplement Use in America: Who’s Taking What?
  • Experimental Biology
    April 18–22, 2009
    Johanna Dwyer spoke at a closed workshop for Korean nutritionists titled Planning Using the DRIs on April 18. Dr. Dwyer also co-chaired a minisymposium titled Measurement Issues Related to Dietary Supplement Use on April 21.On April 22, Robert Russell chaired a seminar titled Key Events Framework: An Innovative Approach for Assessing Safe Nutrient Intakes and gave a talk titled Introduction to the International Life Sciences Institute Research Foundation Global Threshold Project.
  • Loyola University Medical Center, Division of Nephrology
    April 7, 2009
    Christopher Sempos gave a presentation titled Estimates of Optimal Vitamin D Status: 25-Hydroxyvitamin D – PTH Suppression and All Causes Mortality.
  • 8th Oxford Conference on the Science of Botanicals
    April 5–10, 2010
    Joseph Betz presented a poster about the ODS AMRM program titled Dietary Supplement Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program: Accomplishments and Future Directions on April 7.
  • Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Research Practicum
    March 16–20, 2009
    Mary Frances Picciano, Johanna Dwyer, and Paul Coates spoke at this practicum sponsored by the Nutritional Science Research Group, Division of Cancer Prevention, NCI, and the Department of Nutrition, NIH Clinical Center. Dr. Picciano gave a presentation titled Folate and Cancer Prevention on March 16. Dr. Dwyer gave a talk on Flavonoids on March 16. Dr. Coates gave a presentation titled The Role of Evidence-Based Reviews for Nutrition Topics: The ODS Experience on March 20.
  • Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA
    March 3, 2009
    Robert Russell gave a presentation titled Alternative Approaches to Setting Upper Safe Levels for Nutrients.
  • Natural Health Products Research Society “Gateway to Wellness”
    February 18–21, 2009
    Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled Analytical Methods and Challenges in Toxicology/Safety Monitoring Programs and presented an ODS poster: National Institutes of Health, Dietary Supplement Methods and Reference Materials Program, Accomplishments and Future Directions. ODS also had an exhibit booth at this conference.
  • Southern Society for Clinical Investigation
    February 12–14, 2009
    Rebecca Costello gave a presentation titled Vitamin D and Health in the 21st Century: An Update.
  • American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
    February 1–4, 2009
    Mary Frances Picciano gave a presentation titled Folate: Its Role in Health and Disease during Clinical Nutrition Week 2009.
  • Scripps – Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based Update
    January 22–25, 2009
    Rebecca Costello co-presented a workshop titled Dietary Supplement Resources: Answering Questions at the Point of Care on January 24. Paul Coates presented a session titled The Future of Dietary Supplement Research – Answering Important Questions on January 25. ODS also had an exhibit booth at this conference.


  • International Life Sciences Institute: Decision Making for Recommendations and Communications Based on Totality of Food Related Research Workshop
    December 15, 2008
    Robert Russell gave a presentation titled Application of Epidemiologic Data in DRI Development: Approaches Toward Harmonization. Mary Frances Picciano gave a presentation titled Vitamin D and Health.
  • Society for Risk Analysis
    December 10, 2008
    Robert Russell gave a presentation titled Low-Dose Dose-Response Thresholds in Risk Assessment: a Cross Disciplinary Analysis of Key Events from Vitamin A Exposure to Adverse Events.
  • USDA Human Nutrition Research Center
    December 9, 2008
    Chris Sempos gave a talk titled PTH and 25(OH) Vitamin D: The Search for an Inflection Point.
  • International Life Sciences Institute
    December 3, 2008
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Evaluating the Health Effects of Dietary Supplements.
  • National Institute of Health and Nutrition
    December 2, 2008
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Dietary Supplements in the United States: Claims and Evidence.
  • American Heart Association Meeting
    November 9–11, 2008
    Rebecca Costello moderated the session titled, Lifestyle in the Prevention and Management of Peripheral Vascular Diseases: Role of Physical Activity, Diet and Dietary Supplements on November 11. ODS also exhibited at this meeting.
  • American Institute for Cancer Research Annual Research Conference on
    November 6–7, 2008
    Mary Frances Picciano gave two presentations: Dietary Supplements for Cancer Prevention: How Common and How Useful? and Diet, Supplements and UV Exposure: Defining Optimal Status of Vitamin D and How to Obtain It. Johanna Dwyer was a member of the program committee and chaired the session titled Behavioral Change and Cancer.
  • WHO Congress on Traditional Medicine
    November 6–9, 2008
    Christine Swanson attended the World Health Organization Congress on Traditional Medicine in the 60th anniversary year of the WHO. The symposium provided an overview of global status and trends in the use of Traditional, Alternative and Complementary Medicines. Dr. Swanson gave an invited presentation titled The NIH Botanical Research Centers Program.
  • American Dietetic Association Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo
    October 25–28, 2008
    Karen Regan and Jody Engel participated in a session titled, NIH/NCI Research Training, Funding, and Career Development Opportunities: What Every Dietitian Needs to Know, on October 27. Johanna Dwyer co-presented at a session titled, Using New Online Resources to Estimate Dietary Supplement Intake, on October 28. ODS exhibited at booth #1342.
  • SupplySide West
    October 23–24, 2008
    Christine Swanson moderated a session titled, NIH Botanical Research Centers Overview, on October 22. Representatives from the six NIH Botanical Research Centers presented their latest research. Marguerite Klein gave a presentation titled Vitamin D and Health in the 21st Century: An Update, on October 22. Leila Saldanha presented a poster, Dietary Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program: Accomplishments and Future Directions. ODS exhibited at booth #25097.
  • Harvard School of Public Health
    October 15, 2008
    Johanna Dwyer gave a seminar with an emphasis on children titled Dietary Guidelines for Americans: What’s Old? What’s New? What’s Next? as part of the Maternal Child Health Seminar Series.
  • Indo-US Symposium on Indian Systems of Medicine and Botanicals
    October 15–16, 2008
    Joseph Betz gave a presentation titled National Institutes of Health, Dietary Supplement Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program: Accomplishments and Future Directions.
  • University of Illinois Nutritional Sciences Program
    October 15, 2008
    Mary Frances Picciano presented a seminar titled, Vitamin D and Health in the 21st Century: What We Know and What We Need to Know.
  • 2008 Shanghai International Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicines
    October 10–12, 2008
    Joseph Betz gave an invited talk titled, National Institutes of Health, Dietary Supplement Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program: Accomplishments and Future Directions.
  • Food and Drug Administration/CDER
    October 8, 2008
    Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Assessing the Health Effects of Dietary Supplements.
  • American College of Nutrition 49th Annual Meeting
    October 2–5, 2008
    Rebecca Costello moderated a panel session, How NIH Reviews Grants on Nutrition Related Topics, and co-authored a presentation on a new database of dietary supplements containing vitamin K. Marguerite Klein spoke on the development and validation of analytical methods to ensure the quality and safety of dietary supplements. Leila Saldanha presented a poster, Dietary Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program: Accomplishments and Future Directions. ODS also exhibited at this meeting.
  • International Food Information Council
    October 1, 2008
    Mary Frances Picciano gave a presentation titled Vitamin D: Emerging Science and Communication Implications.
  • United States Pharmacopeia’s Annual Scientific Meeting
    September 25–26, 2008
    Joseph Betz gave an invited lecture titled, New Approaches to Standard Setting via Performance-based Procedures.
  • AOAC Annual Meeting & Exposition
    September 21–23, 2008
    Joseph Betz and Marguerite Klein participated in this meeting which included several sessions devoted to analytical methods for dietary supplements, such as the President’s Task Force on Dietary Supplements meeting, Dietary Supplements Community meeting, the Methods Committee on Dietary Supplements meeting, and the Analytical Challenges in Dietary Supplements symposium. Dr. Betz also presented a poster, Dietary Supplement Analytical Methods and Reference Materials Program: Accomplishments and Future Directions. ODS exhibited at booth #120.


  • 121st AOAC Annual Meeting & Exposition
    September 16–20, 2007
    ODS exhibited at this expo and presented a poster on its Analytical Methods and Reference Materials (AMRM) program.
  • Vitamin D and Health in the 21st Century: An Update
    September 5–6, 2007
    Conference sponsored by ODS; co-sponsors are the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institute for Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), and the American Society for Nutrition (ASN).
  • Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting & Food Expo
    July 28 – August 1, 2007
    Drs. Johanna Dwyer, Joseph Betz, and Leila Saldanha presented at this expo. ODS also exhibited here.
  • Black Cohosh Safety Workshop
    June 28, 2007
    Dr. Joseph Betz developed and moderated this workshop which included an international group of speakers and discussants. A meeting summary is being developed for publication.
  • Council for Responsible Nutrition, Day of Science
    May 3, 2007
    Dr. Paul Coates gave a presentation titled Role of Meta-Analysis in Evidence-Based Reviews. Dr. Joseph Betz’s talk was titled Identification, Characterization and Ensuring Product Quality for Clinical Trials.
  • Experimental Biology Annual Meeting
    April 28 – May 2, 2007
    Dr. Christine Swanson presented at this meeting. ODS also exhibited here.
  • Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, 4th Annual Conference. Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based Update
    January 19–21, 2007
    Drs. Joseph Betz and Rebecca Costello spoke at a session titled A Systematic Approach to Study the Effects of Natural Supplements on the Coagulation System.


  • SupplySide West International Trade Show and Conference
    October 18–20, 2006
    Dr. Elizabeth Yetley chaired and spoke at a session titled Understanding the Systematic Review Process in Evidence-Based Decisions. Dr. Joseph Betz chaired and spoke at a session titled Defining and Demonstrating Quality.
  • American College of Nutrition, 47th Annual Meeting/Symposium*
    October 5–9, 2006
    Dr. Rebecca Costello moderated a session titled Nutrition in Preventive Medicine and Chronic Disease Management.
  • 30th National Nutrient Databank Conference: The Role of Food Composition in Improving Dietetic Practice
    September 18–20, 2006
    Dr. Johanna Dwyer delivered a presentation titled Progress in developing dietary supplement databases at NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements. Dr. Mary Frances Picciano’s presentation was titled Development of NOADS: The NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) Online Analyst for Dietary Supplements: a web-based tool for analysis of total nutrient intakes and their relation to biomarkers of nutritional status.
  • Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (American Dietetic Association)
    September 16–19, 2006
    Dr. Leila Saldanha presided at a session titled What You Need to Know About Multivitamin and Mineral Supplements. Dr. Johanna Dwyer presented State of the science: multivitamin-mineral supplements and chronic disease risk. Dr. Mary Frances Picciano presented What are intakes of key nutrients among American children, and what supplements are they taking?
  • Heart Failure Society of America: 10th Annual Scientific Meeting
    September 10–13, 2006
    Dr. Rebecca Costello co-moderated a session titled Nutritional Aspects of Heart Failure.
  • The 47th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy
    September 6–9, 2006
    Dr. Joseph Betz chaired a workshop titled Bucking the System: Non-Academic Careers for Natural Products Scientists and a symposium titled Clinical Evaluation of Herbs and Supplements: Trials, Toxicology, and Drug Interactions.
  • Standardization of the Terminology for Expression of Analytical Results for
    August 21–22, 2006
    ODS sponsored this 1-day symposium.