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Strategic Planning, 2004-2009

Strategic Planning

"Promoting Quality Science in Dietary Supplement Research, Education and Communication: A Strategic Plan for the Office of Dietary Supplements 2004-2009" is available at (PDF, 13MB). To receive a copy of the printed version, contact ODS at [email protected].

The goals and initiatives in this plan for 2004-2009, as in the original plan in 1998, emphasize the important role of ODS in research on disease prevention and health promotion, education, and communication of scientific information about dietary supplements. The plan for 2004-2009 provides a roadmap intended to catalyze research that will expand the scientific knowledge base to improve health of the public.

The ODS held a public meeting on May 20, 2005, as a part of maintaining the currency of its Strategic Plan. Representatives of the ODS stakeholder community and other interested parties identified emerging needs and opportunitites for possible inclusion. A synopsis of the reommendations, the presentations, and comments are available at

In preparation for developing its strategic plan, the Office of Dietary Supplements prepared a document summarizing its accomplishments from 1995 to 2003. The Background Paper for Strategic Planning is available at: