Grant Abstract: Head and Neck Cancer SPORE
Grant Number: 5P50CA097190-12
PI Name: Ferris
Project Title: Head and Neck Cancer SPORE
Abstract: In this supplement application, we propose “A Pilot Trial Evaluating the Bioavailability and Mucosal Bioactivity of the Dietary Supplement, Avmacol®, in Healthy Volunteers” to overcome two important barriers identified during the first pilot trial: (1) the prohibitive expense of manufacturing lyophilized broccoli sprout extracts; (2) low median RNA yields from buccal scrapings, limiting biomarker discovery. Avmacol® (Nutramax Laboratories) is a commercially available dietary supplement containing only GR-rich broccoli seed extract, freeze-dried broccoli sprouts for the myrosinase source, and inert excipients.
Two Specific Aims are proposed:
Specific Aim 1: To evaluate the bioavailability and mucosal bioactivity of Avmacol® in healthy volunteers based upon urinary SF metabolites and NQO1 transcripts in serial buccal scrapings, respectively;
Specific Aim 2: To optimize the quantitative RNA yield from cytobrush collection of buccal cells in healthy subjects and assess the feasibility of self-collection of buccal cells.
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