Grant Abstract: Role of cellular senescence in cardiovascular aging
Grant Number: 5R01AG055822-02
PI Name: Melov
Project Title: Role of cellular senescence in cardiovascular aging
Abstract: The purpose of this administrative supplement, through the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, is to investigate the efficacy of the food-derived flavonoid apigenin initiated prior to the onset of experimentally (DOXO) or aging induced increases in cellular senescence for preventing the development of arterial stiffening and endothelial dysfunction in sedentary mice fed a normal chow diet. DOXO is a commonly administered anthracycline chemotherapeutic agent, and the use of anthracyclines markedly increases risk for CVD. Thus, the use of a mouse model of chemically and aging induced senescence affords a unique opportunity to assess the short and long-term preventive effects of apigenin. As the use of apigenin is not well understood in humans, this study represents a critical initial step in the development of this promising dietary supplement and its translation to humans.
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