Grant Abstract: Prospective Study of Human Oral Microbiome and Pancreatic Cancer Risk
Grant Number: 5R01CA164964-03
PI Name: Ahn
Project Title: Prospective Study of Human Oral Microbiome and Pancreatic Cancer Risk
Abstract: In our parent grant, we reported that the human microbiota is associated with risk of pancreas cancer (Fan et al, Gut, 20161). In this administrative supplement, we propose to test whether probiotic and prebiotic supplement intake influences the human microbiota, and specifically the microbes associated with pancreatic cancer. We will test this hypothesis in 800 individuals in the NYU FAMiLI (Food And Microbiome and Longitudinal Investigation) Cohort. We will assess probiotic and prebiotic supplement intakes from a validated 137 food-item frequency questionnaire, and characterize oral and gut microbiome, using genomic-based 16S rRNA gene sequencing. We will test if probiotic and prebiotic supplement intakes are associated with human microbiota, and specifically with microbes we found to be associated with pancreas cancer. Strengths of our study include the availability of detailed probiotic and prebiotic supplement intakes in an ethnically diverse population and the availability of data on potential demographic confounding factors. In addition, the large sample size provides us with excellent statistical power for this study. This project is innovative since it is the first human study to examine the relationship of detailed probiotic and prebiotic supplement use with human microbiota. Pancreatic cancer is a highly fatal disease; findings could lead to the implementation of probiotic and prebiotic supplement interventions for pancreatic cancer prevention.
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