Grant Abstract: Inhibition of a Treg deubiquitinase, USP7, promotes anti-tumor immunity
Grant Number: 5R01CA177852-04
PI Name: Hancock
Project Title: Inhibition of a Treg deubiquitinase, USP7, promotes anti-tumor immunity
Abstract: We will investigate whether oral administration of a dietary supplement normally found in green tea, EGCG, can significantly depress the functions of Foxp3+ T regulatory (Treg) cells in a dose-dependent manner. These cells can limit anti-tumor immunity, host resistance to chronic infection, and responses to vaccines. Our preliminary data indicate that oral EGCG can decrease Treg function, and we now wish to confirm these data and assess whether the effects are of major biologic significance. Our studies may lead to development of an important new dietary supplement for patients with malignancies, and may also have consequences for management of patients with HIV or other chronic infections in which control of Tregs is thought to be of therapeutic value.
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