Grant Abstract: The Dry Eye Evaluation and Management (DREAM) Study: Coordinating Center
Grant Number: 5U10EY022879-04
PI Name: Macquire
Project Title: The Dry Eye Evaluation and Management (DREAM) Study: Coordinating Center
Abstract: The Office of Dietary Supplements award will allow standardized, detailed assessment of the images of meibomian glands by professional ocular image graders. These gradings will be merged with the rich, longitudinal database of demographic, clinical, and laboratory testing results to test the following hypotheses regarding the role of meibomian gland morphology as a biomarker:
Hypothesis 1. ?-3 supplementation of patients with dry eye disease slows the deterioration of the meibomian glands and their function.
Hypothesis 2. The degree of abnormality in meibomian gland morphology at baseline predicts response to supplementation with ?-3 with respect to changes in the severity of symptoms and signs of DED.
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