The White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy (WHCCAMP), comprised of 20 Presidentially-appointed members, was established by Executive Order No. 13147 in March 2000 with the goal of providing the President with recommendations to ensure public policy maximizes the potential benefits of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to all citizens.
final report
of the Commission issued March 2002 addresses:
The coordination of research to increase knowledge about CAM products,The education and training of health care practitioners in CAM,The provision of reliable and useful information about CAM practices and products to health care professionals, andGuidance regarding appropriate access to and delivery of CAM.
Recommendations focused on support for research, development and dissemination of information about CAM, and ensuring the safety of CAM products are relevant to dietary supplements. A detailed discussion of each of these recommendations and actions to support their implementation is contained in chapters.
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