ODS Staff News
Recent ODS Staff Publications
- Camp KM, Coates PM, Groft SC. Nutritional interventions for inherited metabolic diseases: building an infrastructure to guide clinical practice through evidence-based research. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 102(3):273–274; March 2011.
- Parisi M, Urv T, Howell RR, Camp KM, Coates PM, Groft SC. National Institutes of Health phenylketonuria scientific conference. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 102(3):308; March 2011.
- Coates PM, Dwyer JT. In memoriam: Mary Frances Picciano, PhD, 1946–2010. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 93(3):479–480; March 2011.
- Bailey RL, Gahche JJ, Lentino CV, Dwyer JT, Engel JS, Thomas PR, Betz JM, Sempos CT, Picciano MF. Dietary supplement use in the United States, 2003–2006. Journal of Nutrition 141(2):171–176; February 1, 2011.
Coates PM, Meyers CM. The National Institutes of Health investment in research on botanicals. Fitoterapia 82(1):11–13; January 2011.
Recent ODS Staff Presentations
- 2011 Government Web and New Media Conference
March 17–18, 2011, Washington, DC
Jody Engel participated in the panel presentation, Real Time Mobile: Stories from the Trenches, on March 17. She gave a presentation titled, MyDS Mobile App: From Concept to the App Store and Beyond.
- University of Maryland
March 14, 2011, College Park, MD
Jody Engel gave a lecture titled, A Snapshot of a Nutrition Career in the Federal Government, to senior dietetics students in their Core Capstone course.
- National Institutes of Health (NIH)
March 16, 2011, Bethesda, MD
Paul Thomas gave a talk at NIH for the “Focus on You” Wellness Lecture Series titled, Dietary Supplements: What You Need to Know.
- University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
March 8–9, 2011, Peoria, IL
Paul Thomas gave a Grand Rounds presentation to medicine residents titled, What Sup, Doc? Dietary Supplements and the Physician, on March 8 and a talk to consumers titled, Vitamins and Supplements: What Works and What Doesn’t?, on March 9.
- Genetic Diseases of Children, Advancing Research and Care Conference
March 8, 2011, New York, NY
Paul Coates chaired and Kathryn Camp participated as a panelist in a session titled, Meeting Nutritional Needs, at this conference which was sponsored by the State of New York Department of Health Wadsworth Center.
- Society for Inherited Metabolic Disorders Annual Meeting

February 27–March 2, 2011, Pacific Grove, CA
Kathryn Camp, Paul Coates, and Stephen Groft presented a poster titled, Nutritional interventions for inherited metabolic diseases: building an infrastructure to guide clinical practice through evidence-based research. In addition, Melissa Parisi, Tiina Urv, Rodney Howell, Kathryn Camp, Paul Coates, Stephen Groft, presented a poster titled, National Institutes of Health phenylketonuria scientific conference.
- American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Conference: Advances and Controversies in Clinical Nutrition

February 25, 2011, San Francisco, CA
Paul Coates presented Issues in the Use of Herbal Dietary Supplements and ASN president, Robert Russell, presented Dietary Supplements: Who Needs Them and When Are They Needed?
- Washington DC Health 2.0 STAT Meetup

February 10, 2011, Bethesda, MD
Jody Engel gave a presentation titled, Don't Worry, Be Appy!, for Health 2.0 practitioners.
- NORD Medical Foods Conference

February 10, 2011, Washington, DC
Kathryn Camp gave a presentation titled, Federal Perspectives on Medical Foods. The conference was sponsored by the National Organization of Rare Disorders.
- U.S. Department of Commerce
January 26, 2011, Webinar
Jody Engel gave a presentation titled, Federal Mobile Apps: Lessons Learned and Best Practices, as part of a Federal Mobile Apps Webinar Series sponsored by National Technical Information Service (NTIS).
- 8th Annual Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine Conference: Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based Update
January 14–15, 2011, San Diego, CA
Joseph Betz presented Reviewing the Research and Literature: The Best of the Year on January 14. Rebecca Costello led a workshop, Dietary Supplements Resources: Point of Care Answers for the Busy Clinician, with Paula Gardiner, Boston University School of Medicine, on January 15.
- USDA National Agricultural Library
January 10, 2011, Beltsville, MD
Jody Engel gave a presentation to area dietetic interns titled, The Social RD: Why You Should Tweet, Link, and Be Appy!
- Tufts University
December 7, 2010, Boston, MA
Christopher Sempos gave a presentation titled, Vitamin D, PTH Suppression, and Mortality, as part of the Department of Endocrinology Seminar Series.
- Morgan State University
December 1, 2010, Baltimore, MD
Christopher Sempos gave a lecture titled, Vitamin D and All-Causes Mortality— How To Do an Analysis of Prospective Data, to the PUBH 601 Research Methods 1 class.
Upcoming Events
ODS will have exhibit booths at the following conferences: