Human Performance and Dietary Supplements Summit to Be Held August 9–10 in Bethesda, MD
The National Strength and Conditioning Association is sponsoring a day-and-a-half meeting on August 9–10 in Bethesda, Maryland, called the Human Performance and Dietary Supplements Summit. Directed to fitness professionals, it is described as “helping…[to] create a climate for efficacious and safe use” of these products. Space is limited to 300 registrants.
Experts in medicine, nutrition, and athletic and military performance will translate the science of supplementation to practical applications for athletes, youth, and soldiers; define the nutritional needs of individuals and how they change over time; and differentiate dietary supplements from food products.
The Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) is a sponsor of this summit. ODS Director Paul Coates will serve as a moderator and will present a talk on dietary supplement research considerations. ODS Senior Nutrition Scientist Johanna Dwyer will also moderate and speak on defining nutrition needs of the general population and active adults. Other session moderators include Cindy Davis, ODS director of grants and extramural activities, and Rebecca Costello, ODS scientific consultant.
Introducing the Vitamin D Standardization Program, the Latest Component of the ODS Vitamin D Initiative
ODS leads and sponsors several efforts to advance scientific understanding of the importance of vitamin D to health. Its most recently established effort is the Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP) led by Christopher Sempos, Ph.D., director of the ODS Population Studies Program. The purpose of the VDSP is to standardize the measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D so that it is accurate and comparable over time, location, and laboratory procedure in order to improve clinical and public health practice worldwide. VDSP is an international effort conducted by ODS in collaboration with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Belgian Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry, Ghent University, the Vitamin D External Quality Assurance Scheme (DEQAS), and the national health surveys of Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Get further details about the Vitamin D Initiative and VDSP.
News You Can Use
My Dietary Supplements Mobile App Version 2.0 Now Available
Last year, ODS developed a free mobile app for consumers called My Dietary Supplements or, more simply, MyDS. The app provides an easy way to keep track of the supplements one takes by providing a place where product names, dosage, and other relevant data about use can be entered. This information can be printed or emailed to others; users may wish to share with their doctor a list of the supplements they take, for example.
The app also provides access to consumer-friendly “Consumer,” versions of fact sheets written by ODS on various nutrients found in supplements. It includes general information about ODS interests, activities, and programs.
The new version of MyDS (2.0) works on the Apple iPhone, iPad, and iTouch devices; Android phones and devices; Kindle Fire; and BlackBerry Touch devices running OS6 and above. MyDS will also work on a desktop or laptop computer through the Chrome or Safari browsers.
ODS Now Available on Twitter and Facebook
More than 4,000 people follow ODS on Twitter and receive a message from us on most weekdays. Become one of our followers on Twitter (NIH_ODS) . We also invite you to join the ODS community on Facebook by “liking” our Facebook page .
U.S. Department of Agriculture Releases Version 2.0 of the Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database
The Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID) is an initiative developed by the Nutrient Data Laboratory of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to evaluate levels of ingredients in dietary supplement products. DSID is funded in large part by ODS with additional support from other federal partners.
The DSID researchers determine the actual content of vitamins and minerals in purchased products by analyzing them in the laboratory, then calculate the mean percent differences between the analytical and labeled amounts. The laboratory values are then statistically evaluated by ingredient and weighted by sales of the actual products using market share information. Statistical regression analyses are used to provide predicted amounts compared with labeled values for nutrients across a product category (such as multivitamin/mineral supplements or MVMs).
These data are used in population studies of nutrient intake. As an example, for an adult MVM, the analytically derived amount of vitamin C is predicted to be on average 8.3 percent higher than the labeled amount. So such a product with a label claiming 100 mg of vitamin C per serving actually provides 108 mg on average. (The DSID does not provide the analyzed nutrient content for individual products.)
DSID version 1 provided data on adult MVMs. Version 2, released in March, updates the data on adult MVMs for selected ingredients and adds a new category of supplements: MVMs for children.
Get further information about the DSID, including its data files and documentation.
Updated Fact Sheet on Vitamin A Now Available
ODS has revised and updated its Vitamin A Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet for health professionals. A “Consumer,” consumer-focused version, will be available soon.
New Funding Opportunities for Research
ODS collaborates on funding initiatives across the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and with other agencies through mechanisms such as Requests for Applications (RFAs), Program Announcements (PAs), and notices. Over the past few months, ODS has signed onto several funding initiatives. Get further details.
ODS Staff News
Kathryn Camp, M.S., R.D., CSP, ODS scientific policy analyst, received a Distinguished Achievement Award from Kelly Government Solutions, her employer, for her work developing trans-NIH research agendas for nutrition and dietary supplement interventions for rare inborn errors of metabolism.
Paul R. Thomas, Ed.D., R.D., ODS scientific consultant, also received a Distinguished Achievement Award from Kelly Government Solutions, his employer, for his work with ODS staff on a variety of projects in the ODS communications program including as chief writer of this publication, ODS Update, and many of the ODS dietary supplement ingredient
fact sheets.
Recent ODS Staff Publications
For a complete list, see the ODS Web site: Staff Publications.
- Bailey RL, Fulgoni VL 3rd, Keast DR, Lentino CV, Dwyer JT. Do Dietary Supplements Improve Micronutrient Sufficiency in Children and Adolescents? J Pediatr.; 2012.
- Bailey RL, Fulgoni VL 3rd, Keast DR, Dwyer JT. Examination of Vitamin Intakes among US Adults by Dietary Supplement Use. J Acad Nutr Diet.; 2012.
- Bailey RL, Mills JL, Yetley EA, Gahche JJ, Pfeiffer CM, Dwyer JT, Dodd KW, Sempos CT, Betz JM, Picciano MF. Serum unmetabolized folic acid in a nationally representative sample of adults ≥60 years in the United States, 2001-2002. Food Nutr Res.; 2012.
- Camp KM, Lloyd-Puryear MA, Coates PM, Groft SC. Nutrition and dietary supplement interventions for inborn errors of metabolism—Building a framework for evidence-based research: results of a stakeholder workshop. Mol Gen Metab 105(3):308; 2012.
- Sempos CT, Vesper HW, Phinney KW, Thienpont LM, Coates PM. Vitamin D status as an international issue: national surveys and the problem of standardization. Vitamin D Standardization Program (VDSP). Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl.; 2012.
- Swanson CA, Zimmermann MB, Skeaff S, Pearce EN, Dwyer JT, Trumbo PR, Zehaluk C, Andrews KW, Carriquiry A, Caldwell KL, Egan SK, Long SE, Bailey RL, Sullivan KM, Holden JM, Betz JM, Phinney KW, Brooks SP, Johnson CL, Haggans CJ. Summary of an NIH workshop to identify research needs to improve the monitoring of iodine status in the United States and to inform the DRI. J Nutr.; 2012.
Recent ODS Staff Presentations
For a complete list, see the ODS Web site: Staff Presentations.
- Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
June 4–7, 2012, Washington, DC
Presentations on June 4: Paul Thomas, Dietary Supplements: Overview and Setting the Stage. Regan Bailey, Measuring Dietary Supplement Use. Johanna Dwyer, Motivations for Dietary Supplement Use. Christine Taylor, Safety: The Concept, Its Measurement, and Reporting. Barbara Sorkin, Challenges in Advancing Research on Botanical Dietary Supplements. Presentations on June 5: Joseph Betz, Assisting the Regulators: Analytical Methods, Quality Assurance, and Reference Standards. Presentations on June 6: Christopher Sempos, Research-Design Issues With Epidemiological Studies on Dietary Supplements. Rob Russell, Conducting a Clinical Trial With Dietary Supplements. Joyce Merkel, Dietary Supplement Databases. Presentations on June 7: Cindy Davis, Case Study: Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Kathryn Camp, Nutrigenomics, Genetic Tests, and Personalized Nutrition.
- 2012 Patient and Family Educational LAMPosium
April 21, 2012, Cincinnati, OH
Kathryn Camp gave a talk titled, Nutrition and Dietary Supplements: Back to Basics.
- Experimental Biology 2012
April 21–24, 2012, San Diego, CA
On April 21, Christopher Sempos co-presented a talk on the Vitamin D Standardization Program.
On April 22, Paul Coates gave a talk titled, Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D: Justification for a Review of the 1997 Values; Cindy Davis co-chaired a mini-symposium titled, Obesity, Inflammation, and Chronic Disease Modulation by Dietary Phytonutrients; and Regan Bailey and Johanna Dwyer co-presented a poster titled, Epidemiologic Associations Between Dietary Bioactive Components and Health.
On April 23, Christine Swanson and Cindy Davis chaired a symposium titled, Communication Techniques of Effective Speakers; Leila Saldanha, Johanna Dwyer, Regan Bailey, and Joseph Betz participated in a talk titled, Identifying Nonvitamin and Mineral Bioactive Ingredients for Inclusion in Dietary Supplement Composition Databases; Cindy Davis co-presented a talk titled, Independent Downregulation of Sep15 and TR1, but not Deficiency in Both Genes, Affects Cancer Phenotypes of Mouse Colon Carcinoma Cells; Johanna Dwyer, Regan Bailey, Leila Saldanha, and Joseph Betz co-presented a talk titled, Progress in Development of Dietary Supplement Composition and Label Databases for Research; and Johanna Dwyer, Regan Bailey, and Christopher Sempos co-presented a talk titled, Dietary Supplement Use in Children <18 Years in the 2007 National Health Interview Survey.
On April 24, Robert Russell co-chaired a symposium titled, The Future of Nutrition Research; Leila Saldanha co-chaired a mini-symposium titled, Micronutrient Bioavailability; Regan Bailey co-chaired a mini-symposium titled, Dietary Supplements as a Population Exposure in Causation, Prevention, and Management of Disease; Paul Coates and Regan Bailey gave a talk titled, Making Sense of Dietary Supplement Research and a Framework for the Future; Johanna Dwyer, Regan Bailey, and Leila Saldanha co-presented a talk titled, Release 2 of the U.S. Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database: Research Protocols and Ingredient Estimates for Children’s and Adult Multivitamins; and Rebecca Costello, Cindy Lentino, Leila Saldanha, and Christopher Sempos gave a talk titled, Review of Select Dietary Supplement Interventions for Endothelial Dysfunction. ODS also had an exhibit at this conference.
- Virginia Dietetic Association Annual Meeting
March 27, 2012, Blacksburg, VA
Kathryn Camp gave a talk titled, Nutritional Genomics: Current Controversies and Applications to Dietetics’ Practice. Paul Thomas gave a presentation titled, Vitamin & Mineral Supplements: Evidence-Based Practice, Controversies, and Unknowns.
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
March 26, 2012, Madison, WI
Christopher Sempos presented the Philip M. Farrell Population Health Distinguished Alumni Lecture titled, Diet Heart and Nutritional Epidemiology. Lessons not Learned.
- Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Research Practicum
March 12–16, 2012, Rockville, MD
At the NIH National Cancer Institute, Cindy Davis gave a talk titled, Diet and the Microbiome, on March 12; Regan Bailey gave a talk titled, Folate and Cancer Prevention, on March 14; Paul Coates gave a talk titled, The Role of Evidence-Based Reviews for Nutrition Topics: The ODS Experience; Johanna Dwyer gave a talk titled, Dietary Supplement Databases; and Kathryn Camp gave a talk titled, Nutrigenomics, Ethics, Social, and Public Health Issues, on March 16.
Recent ODS Media Appearances
Paul Coates answered questions from writer Lisa Fields on beauty-themed dietary supplements said to improve people’s skin, hair, and nails. The article was for ShopSmart magazine, from the publishers of Consumer Reports.
Cindy Davis was interviewed by Amy Maxmen of The Scientist magazine on the subject of vitamin D. Her article in the May 1 issue was titled “Vitamin D on trial. Prevention trials for vitamins and supplements are notoriously difficult, but some researchers aren’t giving up on finding proof that vitamin D helps ward off disease.”
Reporter Amber Dawn Barz of the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper interviewed Paul Coates about energy-boosting dietary supplements and drinks. Her article, published June 19, was titled “Eat your…energy? There are all kinds of herbs and supplements labeled as energy boosters. Is there any truth to the claims?”
Christopher Sempos gave an interview to Jessica Morrison for the Chicago Tribune about laboratory testing of vitamin D status. Her article, published July 18, was titled “Vitamin D gets frequent testing, but the results are a bit quizzical.” This article also was posted on Republic.com.
Upcoming Events
- AARP National Event and Expo
September 20–22, 2012, New Orleans, LA
ODS will have an exhibit booth (#1425).
- National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Services (NEAFCS) Annual Session
September 26–27, 2012, Columbus, OH
ODS will have an exhibit booth. (No number will be provided.)
- AOAC Annual Meeting & Exposition
September 30–October 2, 2012, Las Vegas, NV
ODS will have an exhibit booth (#112).
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo
October 7–9, 2012, Philadelphia, PA
On October 8, ODS staff will present the session titled, The Science Behind Dietary Supplements: Examining Safety and Benefits, chaired by Leila Saldanha. In this session, Johanna Dwyer will present, What Can I Say About Dietary Supplements? Translating the Science Into Practice and Joseph Betz will present, Is This a Good Study? Kathryn Camp will be a facilitator for the session titled, Successful Research Grant Writing: Open Discussion, October 9. ODS will have an exhibit booth (#1028).
- American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo
October 28–October 31, 2012, San Francisco, CA
ODS will have an exhibit booth (#2520).
- SupplySide West
November 6–8, 2012, Las Vegas, NV
ODS will have an exhibit booth (#31056).
ODS Update provides information on news, activities, and resources from the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS). ODS is a program office within the Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting research, disseminating research results, and educating the public to foster an enhanced quality of life and health for the U.S. population.
To receive ODS Update via email, join the ODS listserv.
ODS Update is not copyrighted and is in the public domain. If you copy or distribute its content, please credit the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements and include the publication title and date. Do not use our information in any way that suggests we endorse any product or service.
About ODS
The Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the principal biomedical and behavioral research agency of the United States Government. NIH is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Contact Us
Office of Dietary Supplements
National Institutes of Health
6100 Executive Blvd., Room 3B01
Bethesda, MD 20892-7517
Email: [email protected]
Web site: http://ods.od.nih.gov