Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health, announces Trainee Travel Awards to attend the
2008 Rutgers University International Training Program on Natural Products
, August 11-15, 2008, at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Eight travel awards are available to encourage young scientists to attend the entire 5-day program. The amount of each award will be $1,000. Nominees for the travel awards should be candidates for Ph.D. degrees or those who have recently (no more than 7 years) earned a Ph.D., M.D., D.D.S., or D.M.D. and are engaged in postdoctoral research in the biological sciences. The $2,000 course registration fee will be reduced to $100 for trainees receiving awards. These awards are made on a competitive basis. Applications from faculty will not be accepted.
The Travel Award application should include all of the following:
- Name and complete contact information. Please also indicate:
- if you are a graduate student or post-doctoral fellow and how many years you have been in your program;
- if you currently work in a ODS-sponsored Botanical Research Center and if yes, which one;
- your advisor's name and complete contact information.
- A curriculum vitae or résumé.
- A description of your current research activities (4-5 sentences).
- A paragraph (4-5 sentences) describing how attending this program will influence your training and development in the field of botanicals/dietary supplements.
Note: A recipient of this award is required to attend and register his/her attendance each day of the workshop. Travel awards will be distributed after completion of the program. Awardees are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. Please see the workshop website for additional information:
Complete applications must be submitted by email to Adolfina Koroch at
[email protected] and are due
no later than June 23, 2008. You may contact Dr. Koroch for further information at 732-932-9711, ext. 369. Evaluation criteria includes: relevance of research to dietary supplement issues, stage of career (favoring the most advanced students), nature and number of research publications, and geographical distribution.