Special Issue on the Integrated CSFII-NHANES, J. Nutr. 133:575-634S, February 2003 Special Issue on the Integrated CSFII-NHANES, J. Nutr. 133:575-634S, February 2003. The following articles were published as a supplement to The Journal of Nutrition, February 2003:Foreword.Jennifer H. Madans, Edward J. Sondik and Clifford L. JohnsonFuture Directions for the Integrated CSFII/NHANES: What We Eat in America-NHANES. Johanna Dwyer, Mary Frances Picciano and Daniel J. RaitenIntegrated NHANES: Uses in National Policy. Catherine WotekiCollection and Analysis of Intake Data from the Integrated Survey. Suzanne MurphyCollection of Food and Dietary Supplement Intake Data: What We Eat in America-NHANES. Johanna Dwyer, Mary Frances Picciano, Daniel J. Raiten and Members of the Steering CommitteeEstimation of Usual Intake Distributions of Nutrients and Foods. Alicia L. CarriquiryEstimation of Usual Intakes: What We Eat in America-NHANES. Johanna Dwyer, Mary Frances Picciano, Daniel J. Raiten and Members of the Steering Committee