The Computer Access to Research on Dietary Supplements (CARDS) database is
periodically updated with dietary supplement related projects funded by the
Institutes and Centers of the NIH and other agencies for a particular fiscal year.
The following table describes the CARDS database after each successive update.
Fiscal Year | Date Updated | Records Added | Total Records |
NIH: 2009 | 6/2011 | 801 | 10,653 |
NIH: 2008 | 3/2010 | 826 | 9852 |
USDA: 2007 | 10/2009 | 227 | 9026 |
NIH: 2007 | 4/2009 | 1039 | 8799 |
USDA: 2006 | 11/2008 | 251 | 7760 |
NIH: 2006, USDA: 2005 | 1/2008 | 1322 | 7509 |
USDA: 2004 | 8/2007 | 264 | 6187 |
NIH: 2005, USDA: 2003 | 12/2006 | 1338 | 5923 |
USDA: 2001-2002, DOD: 1999-2004* | 4/2006 | 538 | 4585 |
NIH: 2004 | 1/2006 | 963 | 4047 |
NIH: 2003 | 4/2005 | 860 | 3084 |
USDA: 1999-2000 | 1/2005 | 475 | 2224 |
NIH: 2002 | 12/2003 | 569 | 1749 |
NIH: 2001 | 3/2003 | 443 | 1180 |
NIH: 2000 | 12/2002 | 363 | 737 |
NIH: 1999 | launch | 374 | 374 |
* 7 additional records for NIH fiscal years 2000-2002 were also added during this update to complete the dataset for these years